48 Black&White bases (scenery, buildings, people, flowers)

Aug 12, 2005 19:59

i've decided to be brave and just post my new bases! some look pretty neat, and some....well, not so neat, and they're probably a bit boring, but i kinda like them!

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Comments 33

sleepygoof August 12 2005, 19:13:49 UTC
where did you get the pics for 14 and 20?


gaelic_aoife August 12 2005, 19:16:29 UTC
i found them al with random search engines looking for black&white photography!


sleepygoof August 12 2005, 19:17:56 UTC
Oh ok cool. I was just wondering. I love the pictures you chose. They are really pretty.


kineaita August 12 2005, 19:15:48 UTC
They're not boring! I'm going to save to memories, will credit. :D


quitty August 12 2005, 19:22:48 UTC
These are lovely. Saving some, will credit.


on_the_boundary August 12 2005, 20:35:09 UTC
gorgeous work! i love black and white pictures. good choices.


turlough August 12 2005, 20:44:13 UTC
Really great stuff! For now I snagged number 36 (the rose) but I've bookmarked this post for future reference.


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