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Comments 30

debv3 April 26 2014, 21:17:00 UTC
Love Ted! Dare I dream there may be some truth tellin' about to happen? Al the Justin hater's (Mickey, Deb, Emmett)should really learn to keep their traps shut or stick to the facts. Not that both Brian and Justin aren't to blame gorgeous the misinformation. Look forward to more


gaedhal April 28 2014, 05:06:05 UTC
Ted is always caught in the middle -- Eeyore!


debv3 April 29 2014, 01:48:17 UTC
Not sure anyone really hates Justin. Michael is angry at the way Justin seemed to abandon Brian. Debbie never says a harsh word against "Sunshine". Emmett does seem to harbor some dislike for Justin, but he has an axe to grind for a lot of people.


gaedhal April 29 2014, 04:54:57 UTC
Deb certainly doesn't hate him. She's always been on Justin's side.
And Ted really has nothing bad to say about Justin; they've never been
friends, really, but Ted's never had any animosity toward him.

Emmett's anger is at everyone in general; he's not a happy person
at all and he's taking it out on everyone.

But Justin has distanced himself from the gang purposefully and it's
been a long time since he was part of the group.


bksbracelet April 26 2014, 21:54:24 UTC
Wow Ted was brave in this chapter doing his best to stand up to Brian in the process seeing Brian's vulnerability. Ted and Brian are really in a good place where Brian can rant and rave and Ted knows most of it is bluster. Sure there is still a lot of fear of Brian but now and again Ted sees behind the mask.


gaedhal April 28 2014, 05:07:08 UTC
Ted has known Brian a long time and doesn't have any
illusions about him, However, he's also dependent on him --
although you know Brian would never fire Ted -- and Ted
knows that.


mdlaw April 27 2014, 00:38:28 UTC
Poor Ted, he always gets brow beaten by Brian ; and Brian would be in big trouble without him many times over. m :)


gaedhal April 28 2014, 05:07:38 UTC
They both know that. That's what keeps the friendship
going. They each have their role.


anonymous April 27 2014, 02:00:21 UTC
What a treat! A new chapter so soon. Loved hearing from Ted.

Looks like Brian has a couple things he might want (need) to discuss with Gus. This could be one interesting drive home--especially if Gus is driving!

Thank you,


ljtilford April 27 2014, 02:39:52 UTC
Ted and Brian have a strange relationship, Ted accepts being the brunt of Brian's dismissive treatment because that is Brian. By seasons four and five Brian began to appreciate Ted, but couldn't make an obvious change in the way they communicated. Ted remains a truely decent human being. Brian would do well to reestablish the relationship. Right now Brian is in a self imposed. emotional desert and that is not a comfortable place to be.

Great insight into Brian's insecurity about life and death. He needs to trust that Gus can handle the truth even if done in small that he can digest. The current situation isn't fair to either Ted or Gus.


gaedhal April 28 2014, 05:10:42 UTC
Brian knows what he owes Ted, but Ted also knows what
he owes Brian. It's a mutual dependancy.

But Ted was the ONLY one Brian told about the cancer. That
says a lot about the level of trust there. And Ted also knows
that Brian got him off on the porn charge. And whenever
Ted has been adrift, Brian's been there to pick him up with
a job, etc.


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