
Apr 04, 2010 02:13

How am I supposed to learn my japanese lessons if GACKT always distracts me with his beauty *O* ? He really looks breathtaking in this video and aaawwww I love his outfit and above all, his straight hair <3 <3 <3 *melts away* now I'm getting more and more curious about his role as Nemuri Kyoshiro :P

However.......HAPPY EASTER TIME to all of you who ( Read more... )

nemuri kyoshiro, gackt

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Comments 19

mun_chairudo April 4 2010, 02:37:52 UTC
For the lulz: this is my 2nd attempt to post... ( _ _ )

Randomly stopping by here~

Well! To be honest, I think his smile is more distracting than his hair... +chuckles+

Other than that-
Ganbatte, ne!


gackutofan67 April 4 2010, 22:23:04 UTC
Thanks ^______________^ well, I try to do my best but it's not easy and...hhmm...maybe I'm not concentrated enough T_T probably I should better close my laptop and open my books but aaaaahhhhhh GACKT's whole person is so lovely and eye-candy alike *____*'re right, his smile is stunningly charming <333 !


dianunex April 4 2010, 03:16:30 UTC
smile + neck, ayyyyyy yummy. me want eat:P
dont say me 'don't eat to much chocolate' i cant^3^
by the way you should be concentrated only on your lesson.
concentrationnnnn, figthing:D
loveee for you mom chèrie amie^^


gackutofan67 April 4 2010, 22:28:39 UTC
I try to fight but seems that today I lost again haha :P ! What can I do against GACKT's beauty *O*?? My desir to watch him is always stronger than my desir for learning *LOL* he is sooooooooo amazingly sexy and gorgeous and hooooot and and and....I have not enough words to describe him but I'm sure you understand what I mean, ne :)? too I can't stop eating chocolate hhmm....miam miam *____* it's a drug, just like GACKT's beauty ^.~

*sends you love and kisses <3*


shadowychan April 4 2010, 10:34:49 UTC
Aww he is smiling & laughing!!!! *glomps GACKT* I'm looking at his hair too. It's long, pretty <3 I'm also curious about the whole thing. This project, he is gonna prepare everything for it even the stages it seems. I need to see!! LOL the video, very strange to show him a photo of that man -the same TV presenter?- someone has to translate!

PS. Happy Easter to you too, darling :)


gackutofan67 April 4 2010, 22:35:14 UTC
Yeah, GACKT's hair is pretty long here and really nice *____* straight hair definitely fits him better than curls I think^^! And his smile is just aaawwww *O* killing me *LOL* he must stop with becoming more and more sexy or I will die haha :P

About the man on the photo....hhmm...I think it's an actor who played Nemuri character before GACKT but I'm not sure T__T Val has done a great translation on her community but it's not exactly the same video so euh....I don't know :D !



shadowychan April 6 2010, 18:11:00 UTC
Straight dark long hair = Samurai GACKT <33
He is not stopping becoming more and more sexy, we keep on dying because of that *____*

Oh you think maybe he is the previous actor! I'm not sure why I see him looks exactly like that TV presenter LOL I must be seeing abnormal things lately xDD I did read the great translation by Val, whatever GACKT says about this project... I can't help only being curious more and more!!!!! I can't wait for the play, hopefully there will be photos, videos and even if there will be an actual DVD later *crosses fingers*


gackutofan67 April 6 2010, 23:16:19 UTC
Euh....maybe you're right after all, about that man on the photo *LOL* I watched the video again and again and hhmm....seems that he actually looks similar to the TV presenter ^___^ it's me who sees abnormal things because of GACKT's beauty who is dazzling me haha :P

Oh and.....HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY honey *_______* please forgive me for being so late, but I thought your birthday is only on the 7th *is horribly ashamed T_T* ! I hope that you had a great day and that you received many wonderful presents *O* again sorry for being soooooooo late *cries* I wish you all the best for your coming year and....may all your dreams come true ^.~

*sends you tones of kisses and hugs you to death*


erikastarsmoon April 5 2010, 05:25:05 UTC
Is always good watch Gackt interview ^_^ He always looks gorgeous, I`m so happy with straight hair again.


gackutofan67 April 5 2010, 22:46:56 UTC
Me tooooo I'm very happy with straight hair again *_____* it definitely fits GACKT better than curls, don't you think so :)?

And's always a great thing to watch GACKT videos <3 <3 <3 it's good for mood and for eyes :P


ladysharku April 5 2010, 09:49:01 UTC
I love his straight hair, and he really looks good here... and that adorable smile... ♥_♥

Oops, I read your warning too late... all the chocolate is gone and I'm so full I don't think I'll need to eat for next few days XD


gackutofan67 April 5 2010, 22:54:40 UTC
Hahaha ^_____^ same here, I have eaten way to much chocolate those days *LOL* but it was soooo good...miam miam...I couldn't resist :P

....and yeah, GACKT with straight hair and sweet smile totally rocks *_____* his current look is hoooooot as hell and....hhmm, it's just like with the chocolate, I can't resist haha :D !


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