Title: Wherever You Go Author: shyone Genre: friendship; romance Pairing: Gackt/You Rating: g Summary: You finds out Gackt wants to leave Japan Notes: thank you, amaia for your translation of the interview in January B-Pass ( day 30 )
this may be a little hard to read. I've got an 8lb. cat lying on my wrist as I typeThanks, I'm glad you liked it. Apparently he did an interview w/ B-Pass and said he's thinking about leaving the country for a while. You can read amaia's translation here: http://amaia.livejournal.com/270586.html#comments
Very interesting article indeed. Maybe he can travel the world on a vacation of sorts and just work it out, then return home with fresh, new ideas. ^_^
(As long as there is still GacktJob...and Gackt/You, I guess I can be happy. ^_^ )
Comments 4
Gackt's leaving Japan? Apparently, I am missing something....
Apparently he did an interview w/ B-Pass and said he's thinking about leaving the country for a while. You can read amaia's translation here: http://amaia.livejournal.com/270586.html#comments
(As long as there is still GacktJob...and Gackt/You, I guess I can be happy. ^_^ )
I don't want to think what it means for JOB or his music, though...
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