to boldly go where no man has gone before...

May 23, 2013 00:25

Just saw Star Trek: Into Darkness.

Apparently EVERYTHING reminds me of Dean and Castiel. They are totally the Supernatural version of Kirk and Spock.

On a not one track minded note, the movie was AWESOME. Best film I have seen all year.

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Comments 2

abby_i May 22 2013, 22:45:34 UTC
I still haven't seen the new Trek, but dammit, you know now I'll be looking for the Dean/Cas in it!

I'm terrible like that though. Watch a film and see my other ships in them. Shame I don't write fic, I'd always be inspired!


gabs186 May 23 2013, 00:52:09 UTC
I won't spoil you but you'll see it within the first 10 minutes, lol. Spock is exactly like Cas.

"I don't understand that reference..." LOL!


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