Anybody else actually *prefer* to watch women over men? Anybody?

May 03, 2009 19:20

There was an entry linked to on metafandom not too long ago on female characters in fandom.

I don't have much of any thinky-thoughts on the original fandomsecrets post that prompted it because I think that comm is dumb. In case you're lazy/busy/have a tragic finger disorder that prevents you from clicking the links, somebody posted a "secret" that they hate all female characters in all shows and has never found one that they like.

This puzzles me. Am I backwards? I have the opposite problem.

I lose interest if there aren't any women on screen. Seriously. That's part of my problem with AtS. Not enough girls. And guy characters generally don't interest me. I don't hate them. But it takes a really outstanding male character to get my attention (I think it's interesting to note that Spike has quite a few "feminine" qualities about him. Mayhaps why I like him so much).

But I seriously have difficulties relating/getting invested in/enjoying a show that doesn't have many/any female characters. Watching guys is boring.

I don't know why. Maybe it's because I grew up watching guys so I'm kinda tired of it. Maybe I've gotten spoiled with the few shows I've found that do give me awesome female characters.

But, yes, let me express my unabashed love for the female characters out there: Buffy, Willow, Anya, Tara, Cordelia, Lilah, Xena, Gabrielle, Eve, Ripley, Sarah Jane, Ace, Tegan, Nyssa, Zoe, Starbuck (must see more BSG), Roslin, Aeryn Sun, Zhaan, Chiana, Ivanova, Delenn, Talia, Lita, etc etc I'm not even gonna bother with anime characters cause they are too numerous and overwhelmingly awesome.

ot, btvs

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