Drabble: Sides

Apr 28, 2009 08:12

Title: Sides
Pairing: Spuffy
Setting: Post-NFA bliss
Word Count: 100 words; it's a drabble!

Author's Note: My first ever ever drabble so...er...be kind? This was written for the lovely jamalov29. It came out more domestic than straight-up bliss, but the domestic is bliss for me with Spuffy. Hope you enjoy it, hon ( Read more... )

btvs: drabble

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Comments 37

jamalov29 April 28 2009, 14:02:00 UTC
Oh this is delicious and a sweet visual . :)
And there is definitively bliss in domestic!spuffy

Thank you , sweetie .:)

Bravo for a first drabble!


gabrielleabelle April 28 2009, 18:56:56 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you like it! You're very welcome. :)


louise39 April 28 2009, 15:06:43 UTC
Adorable slice of spuffy everyday life.

Nicely done.


gabrielleabelle April 28 2009, 18:57:06 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

gabrielleabelle April 28 2009, 18:57:20 UTC


shapinglight April 28 2009, 15:26:41 UTC
I think that works very well indeed, and you seem to have got the knack of drabbles pretty quickly. I find them terribly hard.


gabrielleabelle April 28 2009, 18:57:45 UTC
Heh. Thanks. You should see all the stuff I had to cut.


brunettepet April 28 2009, 15:38:53 UTC
Nice job. This phrase and the picture it painted gave me a grin: ...his raised eyebrow of sexy thoughts as did hearing Spike saying comfy and springier.


gabrielleabelle April 28 2009, 18:58:03 UTC
Thanks! :)


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