Episode Poll: 4.21 Primeval

Nov 22, 2011 12:32

The Unpopular Opinions Sanctuary Post is still chugging along, guys. Give it a look-see if you have a few spare hours. :)

We gotta do Primeval now, though.

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episode poll, my happy season is s4, poll, btvs

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Comments 54

beer_good_foamy November 22 2011, 18:54:15 UTC
My main problem with the division of labour thing is that, whether you call it protagonist privilege or not, Buffy is already all of those things to a large extent. (As are the others, to some extent.) Though on the other hand, that may be the point. Plus, "spirit" is such a vague concept that I'm not sure exactly what we're supposed to think Willow embodies - magic? Belief? Courage and pluck?

It's a Matrix ripoff, but it's a good Matrix ripoff, and as long as Buffy doesn't start flying I'm fine with it.

Barely a 3. Least satisfying Big Bad fight ever.


menomegirl November 22 2011, 20:32:51 UTC
Barely a 3. Least satisfying Big Bad fight ever.

Agreed. As lame a Big Bad as Glory was, at least she was entertaining and funny.


gabrielleabelle November 22 2011, 22:14:25 UTC
My main problem with the division of labour thing is that, whether you call it protagonist privilege or not, Buffy is already all of those things to a large extent.

Yeah, I had the same dilemma. Ditto with Willow as "spirit".


ceciliaj November 22 2011, 19:08:12 UTC
1. I wish Maggie had returned as The First! To Willow, to make her feel guilty about loving academic work.

2. Buffy as the hand ranks at a 9 for me. Obviously it is her most fundamental role, but slayerness also includes instincts, which are not always channeled physically. Buffy is awesome

3. Willow as spirit ranks at a 10. Perfect.

4. Xander as heart, what is that. 5, because I'm glad they gave him an equal role, I just don't know what it means.

5. Giles as mind ranks at a 7. Giles/books is one of my OTPs, but it's not quite perfect, and that division between mind and spirit doesn't make perfect sense. If there is a category called mind, Willow at least should be part that, too. Making her spirit and him mind seems too easily interpreted as sexist.

6. Not sure, but obvs I'm glad he wasn't.

7. Homage! Pretty!

8. 5 stars, because I just drank a lot of coffee.


gabrielleabelle November 22 2011, 22:15:40 UTC
1. *sporfle*

5. I have the same thought with Willow and Giles and mind. It's one of those categories that could go to either of them.

8. Hee!


angearia November 23 2011, 04:31:11 UTC
Yes, Buffy as the Hand is both Body & Spirit (Slayer consciousness, the connection to a greater heritage). That's largely the point. That's why the First Slayer comes back to slap Buffy around and teach her a lesson. She was denying her Spirit ~ messing with the internal balance.

I mean, it's partly about "no friends" but I think there's also a sense of messing with the Slayer as a generational entity. (But I think this might be partly influenced by how Promethea inspires this mythos development in Primeval. Which the commentary totally admits is a rip-off/homage.)


eowyn_315 November 22 2011, 19:36:21 UTC
Haha, I feel like Spike probably should be staked, but not particularly because of the plan? If anything, the failure of the plan proved how pathetic and ineffectual he is with the chip (poor thing, S4 was not a good season for him), so I can see why Buffy would continue to ignore him. OOMM is a much more stakable offense.


gabrielleabelle November 22 2011, 22:35:30 UTC
OOMM's definitely more stakable. I think this is stakable, too, to be honest, but I can understand how a post-spell bunch of Scoobies would just let it slide. His evil plan was pretty...stupid. :)


eowyn_315 November 22 2011, 23:11:08 UTC
I love how Xander's all, "Nope, can't even pretend to be surprised," and Giles is just annoyed that he fell for it. And then they're all like, "Okay, whatever, so back to the ACTUAL threat here."

Even knowing what he did, they still don't see Spike as a threat. He's not even evil enough to factor him into their plans to fight Adam. LOL, poor guy. He tries so hard.


(The comment has been removed)

gabrielleabelle November 22 2011, 22:35:52 UTC


penny_lane_42 November 22 2011, 19:59:46 UTC
I don't really have anything to say except OMG BUFFY IS SO PRETTY IN THIS EPISODE and look at my icon!


gabrielleabelle November 22 2011, 22:41:48 UTC
*pets Buffy's hair*

So shiny...


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