Episode Poll: 4.15 This Year's Girl

Oct 11, 2011 08:21

Well, my first class was cancelled so I have some free time this morning. Let's get this poll up. :)

This Year's Girl, people. Faith!

As before, no image. My computer is still kaput.

I'm having doughnut holes with my poll. Happy morning! )

episode poll, faith, my happy season is s4, poll, btvs

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Comments 52

spuffy_noelle October 11 2011, 14:07:20 UTC
The first question was hard. Buffy vs. Faith? Do I have to choose LOL I chose Buffy because I do like her better, but Faith (at certain times in the show) is completely BAMF and awesome.


gabrielleabelle October 11 2011, 15:32:01 UTC
Yes, a choice is required. Tis an evil question that way. :)

I chose Buffy cause she's there more. This is a good reason. *nods*


alexeia_drae October 11 2011, 14:48:56 UTC
I. Went with Kendra because she gets so little love ( ... )


gabrielleabelle October 11 2011, 15:35:31 UTC
1. Poor Kendra. :(

2. Haha! That's my thought process!

I know rehabilitation is the popular option, but I don't think Faith was "there" yet in this episode. Buffy does give her the benefit of the doubt while strategizing with the Scoobies. There's only so much you can try to appeal to someone's better side when they're trying to kill you...and your mom.

3. Yeah. I think a lot of characters fell short with Faith, but I think Buffy did all that can reasonably be expected of an 18 year old girl who's juggling some enormous responsibilities. :/

4. That's a shame. That was the correct answer.


eowyn_315 October 11 2011, 15:38:04 UTC
Haha, I did the same wishy-washy thing on #2. There really is no good option other than "wait for Faith to come around to the idea of rehabilitation and minimize the damage in the meantime."


menomegirl October 11 2011, 14:58:11 UTC
3.For the most part, I do think Buffy had done everything that could be reasonably expected of her to reach out to Faith. But (cause there's always one of those), I think that if Buffy had told Faith all about the Ted thing when Faith accidentally killed Allan Finch, it would have made a world of difference in how things turned out.


gabrielleabelle October 11 2011, 15:36:19 UTC
3. It's possible.


eowyn_315 October 11 2011, 15:49:07 UTC
I think Buffy did just about all that could be expected of her, but I did go with the "somewhat" option because... well, she could've NOT tried to kill Faith in S3.


angearia October 11 2011, 15:51:50 UTC
Ah, good point. I was thinking by the point that Faith was a villain trying to destroy Sunnydale that period wasn't the helping time.


eowyn_315 October 11 2011, 16:02:07 UTC
Yeah, probably, but I imagine Faith would've been more receptive to help once the Mayor was gone, if Buffy hadn't tried to kill her. And once Faith wakes up from the coma, Buffy's first instinct is to try to talk to her, and Faith's not having it, because she's like, "Bitch, you tried to kill me."


angearia October 11 2011, 16:43:04 UTC
Right, Buffy's crossing that line definitely shuts down the doors she'd kept open with Faith.


doublemeat October 11 2011, 15:50:24 UTC
1. C'mon, now. I don't have a "WWFD" t-shirt.

2. I honestly don't know. Council? Screw them. Police? Can't contain her. Initiative? Hell no! Angel? Not his problem. Kill her? No-killing-humans rule. Rehabilitate her? There's no methadone for homicidal mania. Fight her? Until what? It's a question of the least bad option.

3. Buffy did more than enough.

4. This is a rare instance of me siding with Angel. The rest of the Scoobies, not so much (although it's arguable what they could/should have done).

5. No way. I don't think Wilkins understood the concept of redemption. He knew Faith couldn't survive as a hunted fugitive and was trying to give her a chance.

6. What would be in it for him? He's not delusional or stupid enough to think a long-term partnership would be possible.


gabrielleabelle October 11 2011, 17:51:53 UTC
1. You have a WWBD shirt?

2. *nods*

4. I got all flaily and confused on this one so I just chose the Mayor cause he made her happy. *gets confused by her own poll questions*

6. Yeah, but he is delusional and stupid enough to court the Slayer in S5. I think Spike makes some not-smart choices sometimes. *pets him*


doublemeat October 11 2011, 19:13:55 UTC
1. :D The "B" is the gothic B from the titles. Someone finally recognized it the other day, a friend of a friend at a get-together. I was excited, but I asked if he was a Buffy fan and he was all "Nope". Shit.

6. There's an automatic exception for love... but that wouldn't apply yet. I can't see Spike falling in love with Faith, Slayer or no.


doublemeat October 11 2011, 20:50:42 UTC
Oh, on #4. The Mayor's videotaped message to Faith is really interesting. He's trying to help her, but he's also (still!) trying to infantilize her. He flat out says that he doesn't think she can take care of herself. And telling a person you "love" that you really think they should become someone else is all kinds of messed up.

The Mayor is perhaps the least human of all the show's Big Bads, which must be a deliberate irony, considering he's the only one who actually *is* human. He acts like he loves Faith, but he uses her in horrible ways, and there's always an implicit message of "you are worthless" (exactly Faith's weak spot). Sort of an emotional Uncanny Valley.


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