The Unpopular Opinions Sanctuary Post

Nov 25, 2010 12:00

Late, but important, edit: Consider this a general trigger warning for the post, guys. Some unpopular opinions may be upsetting. Also, please note New Rule #9.

Folks, do you have opinions on canon that you think are wildly unpopular in your corner of fandom? Maybe you actually enjoyed the attempted rape scene in Seeing Red. Or you think the Willow/Xander clothing fluke was super-hot. Or you think the first season was the pinnacle of BtVS awesomeness and that it was all downhill from there.

Whatever your opinion, this is the post for you to declare it without fear of raised eyebrows or disagreement. Yep. This is the Unpopular Opinions Sanctuary Post!

The Rules:

1. One opinion per thread. This way, agreement with that opinion can be consolidated within individual threads. If you have more than one unpopular opinion, make different comment threads for each of them.

2. Before making a new comment thread about an unpopular opinion, check to see if anybody else has commented with that opinion or something similar. If such a thing exists, just comment in that thread rather than creating your own.

3. As #2 indicates, reply to opinions you agree with! Discuss and revel and frolic in the knowledge that you aren't alone. Do a happy dance!

4. If you see an opinion you disagree with, just move past it. Don't argue, don't comment to boggle, don't even make a good-natured comment saying you disagree. Just...leave it be. Scroll down. Find an opinion you do agree with or make your own.

5. If you fear fandom scorn, you're free to make anonymous comments.

6. This is for unpopular opinions about canon, not fandom. So if you think you're the only one who hates gabs with a fiery passion, you're gonna have to keep it to yourself on this one. This also applies to opinions about fanfic, fanfic tropes, fandom factions, actors, etc. Canon opinions only.

7. Unpopular opinions about the S8 comics are welcome, as are AtS opinions. All of the BtVS verse is wide open on this one.

8. No ragging on other fans. You can lament the unpopularity of your opinion, but don't go so far as to insult or put down the fans that may disagree when doing so. Example: "I think Clem is the true star of the show. Really, it was all about him. Anybody who thinks otherwise is just a stupidhead!" See that? Don't do that. Just stop before the last sentence.

This also means no implications or statements that other fans are delusional, naive, immature, shallow, or anything of the like. Just...don't say anything about other fans. It's not hard. You can do it!

9. New Rule! If your opinion involves the attempted rape scene of Seeing Red in any way, shape, or form, please include a warning in the comment subject line indicating as such.

What's the point?

Simple. Fandom is full of a diverse range of opinions and interpretations. Some are more popular than others. It can feel a bit stifling when you hold a minority opinion on something. This post is for you to air those opinions out without being put in a position to defend them or receive grief for them. What's more, you may find people who agree with you. It'll be fun! :)

Still not sure?

Follow my lead. The first couple comment threads will be by me with my oh-so-unpopular opinions.

Oh! Also, pimp this out if you'd like. It'd be nifty to get peeps from other parts of fandom involved.

btvs, ats

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