Spuffy Baggage Poll

May 17, 2010 12:25

I guess this is continuing the S6 Spuffy theme my previous poll started.

I had so much trouble with the wording on this one. I think I had it perfect last night, but I've slept since then (No, I don't write important stuff like that down. That would make sense.). So let me clarify what I mean with this poll:

This isn't about what you think the writers or actors or fandom-at-large feel. It's about what you feel. Do you, personally, feel that what transpired in S6 (the destructive sex, the DT beating, the AR, etc) is such an insurmountable obstacle that a Buffy/Spike romantic relationship afterward is not feasible?

Also, I divided up the answers between Spuffy fans and non-Spuffy fans. Don't get caught up wondering whether you "count" as a Spuffy fan. If you label yourself as a Spuffy fan, count yourself as one. If you don't, then don't.



i love s6, poll, btvs, spuffy

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