Drabble: Fucked

Aug 03, 2009 16:39

Title: Fucked
Setting: Sometime in S3
Word count: 100 words. True drabble!

Author's note: Eowyn's gonna be like "No! Drabbles!" since I'm posting two so close together. Oh well. I'd been working on them over the weekend and finally got them both polished and finished. This one's for saena17. Enjoy! :)


Warren was a man now. He'd had sex.

Real sex.

It was mind-blowing. His mind was blown. It was life-changing. Everything was different now. He was a man.

And the girl...what a girl! Coming out of nowhere while he was walking home, pawing at him, begging for him. He'd put it to her. Proven himself. Fucked her good.

She was leaving now. No sooner finished than she was gathering her clothes to go.

He sat up when she reached the door, "What was your name again?"

She half-turned with a cocky grin. "It's Faith. I'll look you up sometime, kay?"

btvs: drabble

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