So, had/have an interesting discussion going on with
2maggie2 and
quinara about the Buffy/Angel romance and whether it's subversive or not (this is amusing to me as I was just noting that I don't often discuss S1-S3).
So let's put it to the test of public opinion.
To make sure we're on the same page here, "subversive" is a fancy way of indicating that an element goes against or twists a cliche or stereotype. Prime example? The concept of BtVS, itself, is based on the cliche of the blonde chick in the back alley who always gets killed. Joss subverts this cliche by turning the blonde chick into a badass (or a vampire).
Points to consider:
1. Is Buffy/Angel subverted in canon?
2. Can it be subverted through interpretation?
3. If it is subversive, what cliche is it subverting?
Also, and I know we're skewed here because most of my flist are not Buffy/Angel fans, but I want this to not become a Bangel vs Spuffy debate (Notice what I'm not polling about? Buffy/Spike! It's not the topic, guys). Additionally, watch the generalizations of Bangel fans. You can make generalizations based on your experiences, but avoid labeling them negatively or insulting them or their perceptions. There's a difference between commenting on the ship and commenting on the fans.
So, one question. Have at it.