Title: Lotophagi
Pairing: assumed Spike/Buffy, but it's not the point of the fic
Warning: Possibly disturbing Spike violence of the unredeemed kind
Word Count: 1,195
Author's Note: This fic...is an odd one. It's really a pretty meta-type fic as I wrote it after a run-in with someone who had a not-so-complimentary opinion on Spike's character. This
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Comments 37
Um. I guess that's all I can say. Spoilers bad.
I actually (finally) started reading DeadWar the other day. I'll admit I had an initial aversion because I'm not a big fan of vamp!Buffy stories, but Shadow Sun blew me away with awesome. Will continue reading. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed Shadow Sun despite your aversion. DeadWar really is a very complex and grey story. For some reason, people tend to stop commenting after a while, and I don't know if it's because the story is getting worse, or if they've run out of things to say, or if it's just fatigue when the story has gone on so long and might not be finished for another couple years.
I wonder if this *judgement* has been induced by recents debates on your LJ...
I'm actually probably gonna do a commentary on this one, because it's one of the heavier fics I've done.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
She's done that with a few of mine as well. :)
Plus, expecting Buffy to convince them by "talking"?
This heaven with its managers is truly scary.
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. :)
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