ah yeah, sorry it's in french... I said that my sisters, when they saw Death The Kid they said to me "He looks like Hibari" and I went "what ? O_o"
So after I found a MAD on Nicodouga with only this part (with Hibari as Death the Kid xD) and I spend 5 min to make a .gif. But I didn't draw it ! and I don't think I'll post it to the community because it's just a .gif. (and come to think, maybe I don't have the right to do this, since I didn't draw it)
It's all right ^^/ I'm just surprised to see Hibari as Death the Kid that I just had to comment XDDDD;;;
There's a nico nico douga video of it O___O; I better hunt that down ahahaha! XD But there's someone in the community that turns videos to gifs right? And they're also Hibari-related lol XD You can just say that you didn't make the video but you just turned into a gif...? But IDK, it's still up to you if you want to share it ^^/
Haha! en effet, les premiers épisodes sont un peu sans suspense! mais avec l'arrivée de Medusa, ça devient plus intéressant! ^__^ j'en suis aux 17... vostfr, même si c'est licencié! :P
Death the kid est un perso tellement excellent! j'avoue qu'au début je m'attendais à un perso classe... j'ai été un peu déçu surtout quand il se roule par terre à cause de ses 3 mèches blanches ou de d'autres débilités! XD mais j'adore trop ce perso!
la gif est sympa! je pense le côté Hibari vient donc, de ses cheveux noirs, et son implication dévouée à sa conviction stricte/symétrique! :P
Black Star est assz excellent dans son genre, et j'aime bien Stein aussi! XD ils ont tous des persos supers originaux! j'adore! ^o^
Comments 17
I said that my sisters, when they saw Death The Kid they said to me "He looks like Hibari" and I went "what ? O_o"
So after I found a MAD on Nicodouga with only this part (with Hibari as Death the Kid xD) and I spend 5 min to make a .gif.
But I didn't draw it !
and I don't think I'll post it to the community because it's just a .gif.
(and come to think, maybe I don't have the right to do this, since I didn't draw it)
There's a nico nico douga video of it O___O; I better hunt that down ahahaha! XD But there's someone in the community that turns videos to gifs right? And they're also Hibari-related lol XD You can just say that you didn't make the video but you just turned into a gif...? But IDK, it's still up to you if you want to share it ^^/
j'en suis aux 17... vostfr, même si c'est licencié! :P
Death the kid est un perso tellement excellent!
j'avoue qu'au début je m'attendais à un perso classe... j'ai été un peu déçu surtout quand il se roule par terre à cause de ses 3 mèches blanches ou de d'autres débilités! XD
mais j'adore trop ce perso!
la gif est sympa! je pense le côté Hibari vient donc, de ses cheveux noirs, et son implication dévouée à sa conviction stricte/symétrique! :P
Black Star est assz excellent dans son genre, et j'aime bien Stein aussi! XD
ils ont tous des persos supers originaux! j'adore! ^o^
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