Good morning~~~ or maybe afternoon? :3
I've been sleeping for 15 hours and yet I still feel sleepy ..( --)
So tired lately, my study's been exhausting me. Last semester isn't easy at all, yes. Packed schedule, so many assignments by liberal arts classes which just add to the already busy main classes. I start to wonder if I can graduate on time. I
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Comments 10
Jd inget nurse aoi
aku jd 'belajar' jg abis bc ini D:
ah.. Gabie jurusannya kedokteran ya?
Eh, sama2 bisa sharing..
Nurse Aoi?
Aoi jd nurse? O_o?
Iya, aku jurusan kedokteran :3
Dee ap y? *Perasaan dl aku pernah tanya tp lupa d... ( --) iya g?* bad memory...
bukaaaaaan bukan aoi itu xD;/
dorama.. uyang maen.. er..
lupa namanya :P>
judulnya nurse aoi~
wow sugeee (><)
calon bu dokter! dah mau lulus yaaa... *bounce2*
sendirinya juga lupa pernah ditanya ato ngga lol
aku jurusan manajemen ^^v
Baru mo lulus s.ked, blon jd dokter, msh lama lagi..DX aku malah ga mw lulus dl soalna blon siap DX *ampun mami*
Iy, habis djwb aku inget pernah nanya kok XD tp sudahlah y kita na sm2 lupa XDDD Hoho, hbt bgt managemen, aku malah ga ngeh smskli ma IPS...DX jd nostalgia jaman sma bs lulus IPS jg dr kebaikan hati pak guru..
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Yep, I'm studying to become a doctor :3
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Why envy me? Nothing's good in me :( and I'm not brave or clever at all. I get scared everyday everytime thinking if I can't do something for the patients. I'm scared, that's why I feel I'm not ready to graduate yet. I'm always scared if I may harm the patients, if I may kill them.. those feelings haunts me more often now, so I study more. But the more I study, the more I feel that I know nothing. Frightened for being hopeless, that's what's been exhausting my mind lately.
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