Round four - Author sign-up post.

Sep 20, 2013 20:51

Author sign-ups for this year are now closed. If you've signed up, pleased look for your confirmation email in the next 24 hours! If it doesn't arrive, panic, check your trash, panic some more, then email the mods at the address in the user info.

Rules for Writers

1. Stories must be a minimum length of 15,000 words. There is no maximum, but it must be a completed story at the time of posting.

2. Stories may be slash, gen, or het. AUs and crossovers with the French Mistake ‘verse or the CW RPF ‘verse are permitted, as are fusions. All other crossovers by negotiation with the mods.

3. Stories must be beta’d and coded prior to posting. Also, if your artist has created anything to be embedded in the story (e.g. dividers), these should be embedded prior to posting.

4. You may not post your story, either as a completed fic or a WIP, anywhere on the internet prior to your assigned posting date. Teasers or samples may be posted, but these should be as short as possible.

5. Your story should be posted on you own journal or website on your assigned posting date. A header and links should be posted to the community. Please see the FAQ for this round’s policy on locked entries.

6. The central story element must focus on Gabriel or Richard Speight, Jr.

7. On the day of artist claims, please wait until the mods have confirmed the author/artist pairings before contacting your artist to begin your collaboration.

8. At this time, you may choose to sign up as either an author or an artist. Not both. Please see the FAQ for more info about this round’s policy on double-duty sign-ups.

Important Dates for Writers

Note that all dates given here are on the 'as long as it is that day somewhere in the world' basis - eg, the sign-ups will be closed as soon as I get to the computer after the last timezone ticks over onto November 25. For the due date, this basically means 'send it to us before you go to bed on that day'.

*November 24, 2013 is the last possible day to sign up.

*The first check-in on December 30, 2013 and second check in on January 26, 2014 are not mandatory. No one will be dropped from the challenge for not responding to these check-ins. However, we encourage our authors to participate in them: not just so that we mods have an idea of how the challenge is progressing, but also so that the participants can give each other encouragement and feedback. The second check-in is especially helpful for the latter, as authors will be allowed to post a teaser or snippet from their story in the comments.

*By the end of March 2, 2014, the mods must receive the following by e-mail:
1. Complete story draft with final title
2. Artist claim summary
3) All applicable story warnings, pairings and rating
Any authors also wishing to sign up as artists may do so once the mods have received these materials.

*On March 5, 2014, your anonymous summary and title will be posted for artists to claim. Please wait until the mods confirm the artist’s claim and post the pairings before contacting your artist.

*Posting will begin on April 11, 2014. You will receive an assigned posting date from the mods for on or after that day. An appropriate story header will be supplied to you, and the post must contain the links to your story and the completed artwork created by your artist. All entries related to the work must be unlocked at posting or the post will not be accepted by the mods.

To sign up

Please comment to this post using the form provided:

Your username:
Your e-mail address:
Do you plan on writing slash, het, or gen:
If writing slash or het, what pairing:
Once your story is completed, do you intend to sign up as an artist as well?

Naturally, the answer to the last three questions can change as the challenge progresses, but the answers you give now let the mods have a rough idea of what to expect going forward. ~_^
If you don't feel comfortable putting your email address in a comment, PM it to us. We need your email address to communicate with you and to send you reminders of due dates.

Please visit the FAQ if you have any questions. Anything not answered there can be asked in comments to that post.

Artist sign-ups here | Support sign-ups here

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