Stop The World [7/?]

Nov 15, 2010 12:31

Title: Stop The World

Author: gabbie217

Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Brittany/Santana; Rachel, Quinn, Brittany, Santana and Puck friendship.

Rating: R [Language, alcohol and some drug use, all involving teens]

Spoilers: None for this chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except the mistakes.

Summary: The five have a secret double life. At school, they hate each other, outside? They’re best friends.

A/N: I got the title from a Demi Lovato song… Stop The World ;]
A/N2: I have no self control. Enjoy <33 <33

It had been 4 months since Rachel had all but told Quinn that she liked her. And so far, the blonde cheerleader had not given her any reason to believe that Quinn liked her back, ‘if she had even gotten the hint about Rachel’s feelings.

At school they continued torturing Rachel then meeting up with her later and making up for it. Sometimes Rachel would stay after school in the choir room and would meet up with them as soon as everyone was gone, and they would walk home or catch a ride from Mama S.

Brittany and Santana had gone on their first date, deciding, that if they were going to stay a secret, they needed to come up with a cover. So the two began to act like they only went out with each other as a ploy to impress boys. They even got a fake rumor going around that Puck and Santana were dating.

Puck also advised that Quinn should get a boyfriend since people were starting to wonder why one of the most pretty and more popular girls in school didn’t have a date to homecoming.

No one in school expected Rachel to date, and there was no guy at school she even wanted to date, so she kept quiet during that conversation.


Finn Hudson was not the brightest boy in school, but he was on his way to becoming the school’s first string quarter back, and Quinn decided Finn would be her boyfriend. Plus, he was kind of cute, so that made it more bearable.

Quinn began flirting with him and dropping hints that she liked him. Finn soon caught on.

“Hey, Quinn!” Finn yelled down the hallway.

She stopped walking and noticed that the other girls eyed her jealously. They considered Finn to be the hottest freshman, along with Puck. “Yes, Finn?”

“I was wondering if you would like to go out this Saturday night?” Finn asked nervously.

“I would love to,” Quinn cooed.

Finn grinned. “Great. I’ll have my mom drive us, and I’ll pick you up at 7. Sound good?”

“Sounds great,” she replied with a smile of her own.

Nearby a locker slammed shut, and out of the corner of her eye Quinn saw Rachel hurrying away, tears in her eyes.

Her smile faltered, but then she slipped it back in place and said, “See you then, Finn.” She winked and walked off, adding a gentle sway to her hips. Inside she felt really guilty. Rachel had been very obvious that she wanted Quinn to ask her out, and here Quinn had just accepted a date with the school’s top jock. A boy, no less.


Three more months went by, and they were seeing less and less of Rachel.

Quinn was always busy with Finn; Santana and Brittany spent a lot of their time together on dates with various guys; Puck was always out with some girl. And Rachel was left alone.

They had made plans to see her at Brittany’s after school, and Quinn anxiously awaited her arrival.

2 hours passed, and no Rachel.

They called her phone, she didn’t answer. They texted her, and they got no reply.

“I don’t think she’s coming,” Brittany said sadly. “I had hoped she would. I miss her.”

Santana hugged her girlfriend comfortingly. She missed Rachel, too.

Puck looked everywhere but at the girls, his face a mask of guilt. He had been the one to urge the girls to get boyfriends to avoid suspicion. So basically, in his mind, it was his fault they had abandoned Rachel.

Quinn curled her knees up to her chest, feeling alone. Sure, she could go over to Finn’s, and he would hold her and she might feel better. But Quinn knew she wanted comfort from a different set of arms. Arms that were smaller, tanner, softer, and more feminine would comfort Quinn more then any other pair would.

“I’m sorry,” Puck said quietly.

Hazel and blue eyes looked up questioningly. Santana was facing the wall, unwilling to break her hold on Brittany.

“It’s my fault.”

“You didn’t tell us to start spending all our time with the boys; you just said get a boyfriend.” Quinn shook her head. “It’s my fault. I didn’t have the guts to do what Santana did.”

“What’d I do?” Santana’s voice was muffled from Brittany’s neck.

“Asked out the person you really liked,” Quinn said sadly.

Puck came over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Ray likes you, you know that. What’s stopping you from asking her out?”

“I wouldn’t be able to stomach Finn’s kisses if I was going out with her. And I need him for my cover.” Quinn looked faintly disgusted.

“Then we’ll just have to work on your gag reflexes,” a familiar voice said lightly.

“Rachel!” Brittany squealed. She practically shoved Santana away and leaped towards the tiny singer.

Brittany hugged Rachel tightly. Santana squeezed just as hard when it was her turn, making Rachel gasp for air. Puck swung her around, happy to see his favorite midget.

Rachel was set back on her feet, and she unsteadily made her way over to Quinn. She stood before her, looking awkward.

“Quinn I’m sor-” Rachel began, but Quinn leaned down and gently kissed her, breaking Rachel’s concentration.

“Finally!” Mama S’s voice broke Rachel and Quinn apart.

Both girls flushed when they saw Mama S grinning at them and when Puck, Santana, and Brittany cheered.

“Took you long enough, Q.” Mama S wagged her finger. “I hope this means we’ll see you more now Ray, but I must insist on an open door policy,” she added, looking at Rachel intently.

Quinn laughed and pulled a blushing Rachel into a hug. The two girls rocked back and forth happily, with everyone else watching the sweet and long awaited moment.

“So, Ray, what took you so long to get here?” Santana asked later, as the 5 were gathered around the table for dinner. Sue had a faculty meeting at the school, so it was just them.

“Oh.” Rachel giggled. “I was putting my acting skills to use.”

“Doing?” Quinn raised an eyebrow.

“I got Sandy Ryerson fired,” she said proudly.

“Good, that guy was a creep. I hated that you had to work so close with him.” Puck scowled at the thought of Sandy being anywhere near his tiny girl.

“But who’ll run your glee club now?” Santana asked concerned. Glee club meant the world to Rachel.

“I don’t know. Hopefully another teacher will pick it up.” Rachel shrugged sadly. The end of Sandy meant the end of glee club, but she had sacrificed the club for Sandy’s expulsion.

“Well, there are only 2 weeks of school left.” Quinn reminded her.

Rachel relaxed. “That’s true. I’m sure next year some other teacher will start running it. Although, I’m sure I’ll have to audition again. But they would be a fool to deny a voice like mine.”

Puck and Brittany smiled fondly at her, while Santana and Quinn laughed.

“I’ve missed you, Ray.” Brittany sighed when her girlfriend finally stopped laughing.

“Me, too. I’ve missed you and your dramatic ways. Santana can be a drama queen, but it aint nothing like you,” Puck agreed, his words earning him a sharp kick underneath the table from Santana.

Quinn laced her fingers with Rachel’s and gave her a sweet smile. No words were needed.

Rachel had tears in her eyes. “I missed you guys, too!”

Rachel crying caused the other girls to start crying. Puck didn’t know what to do, so he just shook his head and started clearing the table.

“Crazy girls,” he muttered to himself. That caused four napkins to be thrown at his head.


Quinn continued dating Finn publicly and Rachel in secret.

The whole school noticed how the brunette diva seemed to be glowing as she pranced down the halls, a smug smile on her face. But they didn’t know the reason.

It was announced that the Spanish teacher, Mr. Schuester would be running the glee club next year, and Rachel couldn’t wait to audition for him next year.

Sue named Quinn head cheerleader, even though the role was supposed to go to a junior, who would be a senior next year and not to a freshman going into her sophomore year. So people were even more afraid of Quinn than usual.

Puck was officially the school stud, and Santana was officially the hottest girl in school. Brittany continued to act stupid, so she was named the school ditz. Quinn was now the head bitch in charge, a role that had never been assigned to someone other then a senior. And Rachel of course, was the school Diva.

And they couldn’t have been prouder. They had successfully fooled the entire school. One year down, three more to go.

puck, rachel/quinn/brittany/santana, faberrittana, glee

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