Stop The World. [5/?]

Nov 09, 2010 15:23

Title: Stop The World
Author: gabbie217
Pairings: Rachel/Quinn; Brittany/Santana; Rachel, Quinn, Brittany, Santana and Puck friendship.
Rating: R [Language, alcohol and some drug use, all involving teens]
Spoilers: None for this chapter.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except the mistakes.
Summary: The five have a secret double life. At school, they hate each other, outside? They’re best friends.
A/N: I got the title from a Demi Lovato song… Stop The World ;]
A/2 2: Sooo sorry it's taken so long! :[ :[

Rachel flinched as a slushy went by her. Thankfully, it was intended for another student.

“Don’t worry Berry, you’re not scheduled for another slushy until later this afternoon,” the huge lumbering idiot said, laughing as he walked by her again with the now empty slushy cup.

“Can’t wait,” Rachel muttered under her breath.

It was the second week of school, and Rachel had been slushied 24 times. On the first day, she’d been spared. No one was attacked on the first day of school or on their birthday. The popular kids were nothing if not generous.

“Actually, I think she’s due for another one right now,” a cold voice laughed.

Two seconds after the words were spoken; Rachel’s face was drenched with an icy cold slushy.

Quinn laughed and continued on her way to History.

Telling herself that the reason her eyes were stinging with tears was the result of corn syrup in her eye and not because Quinn had gotten to her, was not helping. So Rachel ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up, ignoring the wetness coming from her eyes.

“I th-thought y-you two we-were f-fr-friends,” Tina Cohen-Chang stuttered as she watched Rachel rinse her hair out.

“Me too.” Rachel sniffed. “I really thought we could have worked this out… but I guess their popularity means more to them.”

“B-bu-but you were on-one of t-the p-popular gi-girls!” Tina protested.

“Yes, Tina. I was. But at this school, I’m no better then the trash at their feet.”

“I-I think you’re better,” Tina said shyly.

“Thank you,. Rachel smiled sadly. She truly had thought High School would have been so different. But when you’re a friendless loser, you’re bound to have a crappy four years.

Tina helped Rachel wash out her hair and get fresh clean clothes.

“Oh look, two lesbians hiding out in the bathroom,” the Cheerios head cheerleader sneered.

“I thought gays hid in closets, not bathrooms,” Santana chimed in.

Santana’s tone was worse then the slushy.

“W-we’re n-not g-gay!” Tina all but leapt away from Rachel.

“Whatever. Just get out of our way, Stutters.”

“Don’t make fun of Tina!” Rachel stepped in front of Tina protectively. Sure, the girl wasn’t really her friend, but no one should be made fun of for something they couldn’t control!

“What’re you gonna do about it RuPaul?” Santana asked, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Rachel’s face crumpled. “S-Santana, d-don’t be like this,” she whimpered.

“Whatever you two had in the past Stubbles, is gone now. S here doesn’t give a damn about bottom feeders like you.” The head cheerleader laughed harshly.

Bursting into tears, Rachel fled from the bathroom, dragging Tina with her. Once she was in the hall, she released her hold on the girl.

“I’m sorry,” Tina murmured.

“Not your fault. I really thought things were going to be different. We had a plan and everything!” Rachel sniffled.

“I-I should get to class,” Tina said awkwardly.

“No-yeah you should. It’s okay.” Rachel attempted to smile, but failed miserably.

Tina looked back just before she turned the corner, and she felt incredibly sad for the singer. Rachel was just sitting on the floor, looking so alone and sad that Tina almost turned back, but she didn’t want to risk any more face time with the diva, so she continued on.



“Get out of my way Man Hands.”


“Please tell me you’re not contagious!”

Insult after insult was flung at her all day long. Not to mention slushy after slushy. And to be honest, Rachel was getting sick of it. The least they could do was come up with original insults. Not this old used material they were using. Really, they should put more effort into it.

In Glee club, she listened to Sandy, the director, and tried not to puke. The guy was such a pervert, how he got a job teaching students… Rachel shuddered to even think about it.

Plus, the fool didn’t even appreciate her talent. Idiot.

After they were dismissed, Rachel dragged herself to her locker. Sandy had yelled at her during the whole period for being a disgrace to singers around the world. That was just the cherry on top of her whole day.

A group of girls were laughing and pointing at her locker. Spray painted all over it were various pictures and insults.

The biggest and darkest was this:

4 a love child, no 1 loves u!

Everyone knew she had two gay dads, but they thought she was adopted or something. No one other then 4 people knew she was born out of love, and that her dads were indeed her biological father. One of them was at least.

This was low. Plus, Rachel would recognize the writing anywhere. Had she not spent hours teaching Quinn how to write with a spray paint can? She knew the technique like she did the back of her hand.

“So much for our plan, huh?” Rachel hissed as Quinn glided by.

“Get over yourself, Stubbles. Did you really think we would choose you over popularity?” Quinn smirked. Her friends let out mean laughs.

“Aw, are you gonna cry Berry?” a snide voice silenced everyone in the hall. The head cheerleader sauntered up to Rachel and Quinn, a mock sad look on her face. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice how your old friends camped outside of your house for three nights?”

Rachel remained silent. Her whole world was crashing down, and she had not a single word to say.

“So first day of school, I pulled them aside. They told me everything. Your girls didn’t even try to keep it from me. In the end, they chose popularity over you… again.”

“I-is this a joke?” Rachel’s eyes darted back and forth between Quinn and Haley, the head cheerleader.

Quinn’s eyes were cold. “Face it, Rachel. No one would ever choose you over anything!”

Grabbing her bag, Rachel slammed her locker shut and pushed passed Quinn, tears falling faster than she could wipe them away.

All the cheerleaders laughed as they watched her leave.

“Good job, Q. Keep this up, and maybe one day you’ll be head cheerleader,” Haley said approvingly.

“Sooner then you think.” Quinn smirked, leaving Haley behind her.

“A freshman can’t replace me!” Haley yelled after her.

“Watch her,” Santana said as she passed by.

“Nice job.” Brittany smiled at Quinn as soon as she and Santana caught up with her.

“Yeah, you set Berry in her place and got everyone questioning Haley’s HBIC status. You are on fire today,” Santana said happily.

Soon the hall was buzzing about Quinn Fabray. The freshman felt sad, because they had all imagined that the Fab 5 would rule the school. Yet, they had just witnessed Quinn practically running Rachel out. If that could happen to Rachel, the rest of them had no hope of making it in this school.


Rachel sat out on the curb, waiting for her daddy to come pick her up. She called her dad at work.

“I really thought we were gonna go ahead with the plan,” Rachel whimpered into the phone.

Passing cheerleaders cackled as they listened to the phone conversation.

“Pathetic loser.” One girl mocked as she tipped the rest of her slushy on Rachel’s head.

“Gotta go, dad,” Rachel choked out as the icy beverage dripped down her back. She hung up her phone and tried not to cry.

Passersby stared at her as they walked, and some made a few snide remarks, but most were silent and sympathetic.

Yes, school sucks.

puck, rachel/quinn/brittany/santana, faberrittana, glee

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