Another Icon Meme

May 25, 2010 23:04

Took this from casett and diek09 :

Reply to this post, and I will tell you my favorite icon of yours.
Then post this to your own journal using your own favorite icon. (if you want :))

My favorite icon is hard to choose. Icons made by me, I'd say is this:
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meme, icons

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Comments 14

courtberger May 26 2010, 03:14:23 UTC
Ohhh! This is fun! I like this one in your user pics: Keywords: misc - mother and baby -icon by ga_unicorn, maybe it's because my clock is ticking and we've trying for some time and that's all I want to be right now, or maybe because I miss the Mother I used to know instead of the one I know now.

Okay, that was depressing, sorry! I do love that icon!


ga_unicorn May 26 2010, 03:55:28 UTC
Thank you so much. This was an early icon (when I, too, was thinking about ticking clocks) and I've always loved it. I hope things work out for you in your quest for mommy-hood.

You have quite the eclectic mix of icons, but I really loved
... )


courtberger May 27 2010, 02:09:24 UTC
Thank you very much for the good luck vibes! They are much appreciated! Muy bueno! *grins*

I too love that icon, I'm a huge Burn Notice fan, but the colors of that icon not only make think of Miami, but the way Michael faces straight and then Fi coming in from the side, it's an awesome pic, but the icon is just incredible. *grins*


the_other_sandy May 26 2010, 03:24:03 UTC
Pick away.


ga_unicorn May 26 2010, 03:43:07 UTC
Still incredibly flattered that you use my Thor icon as your default!

You have quite a collection of pretty pics. I really liked
... )


the_other_sandy May 26 2010, 22:07:18 UTC
I love the coloring on your icons. And who could be more welcoming to an LJ than Thor with his "greetings?"

I'm flattered that out of all the icons I have, you chose one of the few I made for this meme.


ga_unicorn May 26 2010, 22:17:33 UTC
My Thor (and his sib, Tyr) - only good at greeting when they want something from me! ::points to icon::

Your icon wasn't the flashiest or brightest, but it definitely caught my eye. I think picking the right cap and cropping is about 90% of making a good icon.


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ga_unicorn May 26 2010, 22:00:24 UTC
Although your CookieMonster cupcake always makes me smile, I love this:
... )


diek09 May 26 2010, 20:42:28 UTC
Let's see... :D


ga_unicorn May 26 2010, 22:09:50 UTC
Although your Lornes are all pretty and I love that Jack you snurched from saavick, I think my favorite of your current batch is this:
... )


diek09 May 26 2010, 23:56:16 UTC
That is one of my first favorites too, I had a really good time when making it and Sam is.. well she's always preety :D


ga_unicorn May 27 2010, 00:35:44 UTC
Carter's my niece, Cara, favorite SG character. She likes Apophis, too, but I think it's just because of his hats. ;p


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