The love that almost was 1/?

Dec 09, 2007 20:54

This takes place the day after Hahn, Sloan and Torres had drinks over at Joes in “Crash into me, part 2”.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or storylines of ABC’s Grey’s anatomy.


The day had been a marathon. Calliope Torres had been I surgery for the last 7 hours performing a spinal stabilization which had been a complete success. She sighed as she pulled of her cap revealing her shiny black hair.

“Tough day Torres?”

Miranda Bailey looked at her while washing her hands after assisting the younger resident in the OR.

“Yeah, I don’t know why, but these long surgeries seem to be killing my back these days” Callie said while rubbing her lower back

“Uh-huh, I see….” Bailey said, with a voice full of consideration

“What…..why are you being so humanlike all of a sudden?”

“Nothing, I was just empathizing with you, that’s all”

“Empath……What are you talking about Bailey?”

Bailey smiled to herself.

“You have your own medical degree girl, you figure it out” Bailey said and walked towards the door.

“Figure out wha….hey…..Bailey, don’t leave in the middle of this conversation!” Callie raised her voice but it was too late, Bailey had left the room.

“That woman needs to get over the mama bear issues, like yesterday” Callie thought to herself as she finished up and headed down to the cafeteria to get lunch.


A few hours later Callie was standing in her office finishing up her charts as she heard a knock on the door.

“Come in”

“WOW!” Mark Sloan stood in the doorway staring at her.

“Wow what?” Callie said without taking her eyes of the chart

“How is it possible to look like a piñata stuffed with sex and hotness after a day like yours?”

Callie had to laugh as she looked up at him

“Did you just call me a Piñata Mark?
George called me pig once and I thought that was bad. Piñata however, sounds a whole lot worse. ”

“Why? It’s a beautiful looking thing filled with goodies, just like you”

“Would you cut the crap already?” Callie said with laughter in her voice

“I will, on one condition”


“That you’ll have dinner with me tonight”


Callie looked surprised

“I thought Erica Hahn was the target you had your mind set on nailing these days”

“Nah, I realized that she’s not enough of a sexgoddess to make my heart beat faster, you on the other hand…..” Mars said while gazing at Callie with lust in his eyes.

“I, on the other hand need to get my sore back into bed as fast as my legs can carry me out of this hospital” Callie replied as she continued to write in the chart.

“You’re back hurts?” Mark asked with compassion in his voice.

“It’s nothing, I’m probably just tensed. A hot bath and a good nights sleep will take care of….hey…..what do you think you’re doing!?”

Callie had been too concentrated on her writing to notice that Mark had approached her and placed himself behind her.

“Here?” Mark said while he started to massage her lower back

“Mark, stop the touching as of right now. Seriously…. I mean it! Get your……”

Callie sighed when she quit fighting him as she felt her body relaxing under his warm hands.

“Oh my God that feels great” she moaned out.

Mark smiled to himself

“Yeah, I remember all your spots baby” he whispered in her ear.

“Okay, magic is gone” Callie said as she pulled away from him.

“I know that you’re trying here Mark, but I can’t be in any kind of relationship right now. Not even a ‘sex only’ one. I just decided to let go of the marriage that messed me up, both as a woman and a doctor. I need time to get myself back together”

“I know that Callie” Mark replied as her gently lifted up her chin with his steady hand so that her eyes made deep contact with his.

“Just remember that whenever you need me, I’m here. When you’re all glued back together I’ll be waiting for you okay? ”

“Okay” She said smiling at him. “Thank you, I really….” Callie stopped speaking as her face turned into a shade of grey. The last thing she remembered was thinking: “I’m about to pass out”

character: callie, shipper: george/callie, shipper: mark/callie, author: swedishgafan

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