Title- Rebirth Author- Tonysgirl02 Rating- Nc-17 Summary- George knows nothing about pregnant women, the O'Malley men plus one are going camping and Alex is the OB. ( You're friends with McSexy! )
oh em gee.....*fans self* You are the smut goddess! Every single time, you never fail to disappoint. I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!!! and you~! *hugs* Thanks for being so amazing~!!
Silly George, he should know better than to deny Callie the pregnancy sex...even if mama O'Malley is within earshot. You never deny your hot pregnant wife. Never. But Callie handled things quite well on her own, LOL.
McSexy/Callie friendship? Awesome.
You are totally the captain of dirty hot sex scenes.
Comments 8
I love non-ass Alex, but according to the sopilers I'm hearing, he's going to have some kind of epiphany next season or whatever, so, that's good.
Oh man and you scared me for a moment when Alex said "Did they ever detect two heartbeats." I was like TWINS!!!
hahaha I can't wait for the next chapter. Great job, duh. :]
I LOVED THIS CHAPTER!!!!!! and you~! *hugs* Thanks for being so amazing~!!
McSexy/Callie friendship? Awesome.
You are totally the captain of dirty hot sex scenes.
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