Title: Rebirth
Rating: NC-17
Author: Tonysgirl02 AKA Kimmer
Summary: This takes place after 3.12. This way go along with what I'm hearing will happen in the upcoming episodes but this will be my verison.
Pairings: Mainly Callie/George. All the friendships and what not.
Ask and you shall recieve, once I get it written. :)
so you need to take it easy )
Comments 18
it was a reaaalllyy great chapter especially because i just got back from babysitting two little kids who wouldnt go to sleep...
so...yayyyy i can't wait until an update!
Another update should come sometime this week.
Wedding will be in a few chapters time.
Baby O had to be fine. She's the whole purpose for this story in a way. The grave moment, I had planned for later chapters, but I was writting and suddenly George was running and Harold was there, so I thought lets just go with it, I';m sure Harold has something to say and he did. That is not the last we'll see from Harold beyond the grave. He still has a lot to add and in a way George needs him.
The mother thing is hard. Callie is longing for answers that she was possibly just starting to get and she';s coming to all these realizations about being pregnant and the love she's feeling for her own child. Wde may or may not see this chapter close soon, it depends how I feel come the wedding.
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