Fix You

Mar 12, 2007 12:27

Title: Fix You
Pairing: Izzie/Addison

The rest of the chapters are on my livejournal. :)

Chapter Eight

“I kissed someone that I shouldn’t have.  Or I should say, someone kissed me that shouldn’t have … either way, definite kissing was going on.”  You suddenly confess to the least likely person as an unexpected smile leaps across your face as you remember the steamy kiss that you know you’ll never forget.

Christina merely takes a bite from her sandwich and continues to read her book.  “Tell me you’re not back with Evil Spawn, because seriously?  Izzie?  You can do a little better.”

“Thanks.” You mutter sarcastically and then say, “First of all, no, it’s not Alex. And secondly ew.  Why would you even say that?”  To be honest, you hadn’t thought of Alex in that way ever since he cheated on you with Olivia.

She drops her book and looks at you with a small amount of annoyance.  “Oh please, twenty bucks says you and Alex get back together in the next week.  You know it; I know it, so just save yourself the trouble and give me my money now.”  You sometimes wonder why you even bother with Christina, half the time she’s barely interested in what you have to say anyways.  Or maybe you told her because you knew she wouldn’t react like you knew the others would, anyways, all you knew was that you had to tell someone, even if you didn’t reveal who the person was.

“Shut up.”  You say as you roll your eyes and lean back in your chair.  “Just for that, I won’t tell you who I kissed.”  And with confidence you smile at her teasingly.

“I thought they kissed you?” She asked in monotone as she brought her book back up and continued reading.

“Who kissed you?” Meredith asked as she dropped her tray on the table.  And you suddenly wish you hadn’t opened your mouth.

“Alex.”  Christina mumbles as she takes another bite from her sandwich.

“Nobody.” You say right after, meanwhile shooting Christina a dirty glare.

“Alex? Seriously?” Meredith asks with a smile.  “I thought you were done with him.”

“Done with who?” Alex asks as he joins the table.

“God! Can’t you people just mind your own business?” You yell, even though you knew you were the one to blame for having told Cristina in the first place.

They all quiet down and Meredith gives an awkward glance between you and Alex.  “I didn’t kiss him!” You say to her, but Cristina laughs and says, “Oh you so did.” Alex thankfully, misses everything only because his eyes are elsewhere.

You roll your eyes and mutter a “Whatever” and then follow his eyes only to find that they’re on Dr. Montgomery.  She’s eating lunch with Callie, as usual, and suddenly her eyes flash over to your table.  You watch as Alex suddenly averts his eyes and focuses on the pile of food in front of him.  You smile only because Alex thinks that she was looking at him.  You then decide to have a little fun with this.

“So … Alex, what’s with you and Dr. Montgomery?”  You ask, and you watch as both Meredith and Cristina’s head pop up.

“What? Nothing, why-why would you ask that?”  Alex says, although half his sentence was laced with stutters.

You can’t help yourself from laughing.  “That’s not what I heard.”  You say with a raised eyebrow.

Beside you, both Cristina and Meredith turn to Alex and ask, “You and Addison?” and “What are you doing with the She-Shepherd?”

You give yourself a mental pat on the back and Alex leans forward and says, “Thanks Izzie.  Okay, okay, I asked her out.”  He confesses.

“And…?” You persist, only because you were interested in why he chickened out, not that it mattered to you, you actually wanted to thank him, not that you will.

“And, well it’s Addison freaking Montgomery.  She’s hot.  And … when I walked into the bar and saw what she was wearing I … I couldn’t compete.”

You’re speechless.  You certainly weren’t expecting him to say that, and the fact that he did, reminded you of the softer side of him that he often didn’t show.

“I think you lost your mojo again.” Meredith says, bringing you out of your thoughts.

“Yeah, maybe I did.  Anyways, where’s O’Malley?”  Alex then says, probably hoping to change the subject.

“Probably looking for Mrs. O’Malley” You say bitterly as your eyes travel once again over to her table to give Callie a dirty look before settling your eyes on the person next to her.  And it’s when you’re watching her that you realize that you may be falling for your boss.

author: leash_y, shipper: addison/izzie

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