Announcing the ga_fanfic Big Bang Summer Project!

Mar 24, 2011 16:07


It's the most vile word in fandom. Weeks upon weeks without new episodes, scant spoilers and enough speculation to drive you mad. We here at ga_fanfic have developed a cure: The ga_fanfic Big Bang Summer Project.

What is the Big Bang?

A Big Bang project is a fic project like none other: 20,000 word fics accompanied by fan videos, fanmixes, and really bring the story to life. It's a fun way for fic writers to power through the summer hiatus and for readers to work closely with their favorite fanfiction authors.

Sound interesting?

Obviously we caught your attention but there's some doubt lingering as to whether or not you can really pull off such a big fic. Have no fear, answers are here.

I have to write how many words?! I can't even make 1,500 for that fic I was supposed to write for Secret Santa last December.

20,000 words is the goal that we're aiming for. Intimdating? Definitely. But look at all those works in progress that you've written. Look at the 65 chapter story you completed and add it all together. With the ga_fanfic 1,500 word chapter rule, you've easily written well over 20,000 words!

That being said, if you feel like you can't handle 20,000 words, we are offering the opportunity for two authors to collaborate on one story.

In addition to offering collaboration, the moderators of ga_fanfic have created a private community just for the participants of the project where you will be able to ask for help, pick the brains of fellow authors and check in weekly with your progress to keep on track.

Okay. So maybe I can do it. Maybe. What are the deadlines like? I don't have to finish it this weekend do I?

  • Deadline to sign up is April 1, 2011 by 8 pm Central Standard Time.
  • Plot summary will be due by April 15, 2011 in order to open up sign-ups for fan vidders, fanmixers and fan artists.
  • Rough draft will be due by July 1, 2011.
  • Final drafts will be due by August 1, 2011.
  • Fics will be posted with their respective fan videos, fan art and fan mixes beginning August 15, 2011 up until the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy in September.

What if I have the beginning of a story posted here and I haven't finished it. Can I use that story?

It is okay to finish a story that you've already begun so long as it isn't posted here. Anything that is previously published will not be accepted for the big bang project.

Can I write a crossover?

You may write a crossover. However, crossovers should be largely situated around the Grey's Anatomy characters. Think the Grey's character's playing in the other people's sandbox (thanks openended. While we're on the topic of stories that can be written, anything is game: AU, canon, season continuation, etc. There are no ratings on restrictions or topics as well. Remember to use the proper warnings and ratings system when posting the story and be sure to make mention of the intended rating in your summary for potential betas.

I suck at writing but I make an awesome video (or fanmix, or fan art). I want to play too!

Great! We will begin sign ups for fan artists, mixers, and vidders and beginning April 2, 2011 once we know how many writers are participating. Please keep checking back for information.

I suck at fan anything except for reading and commenting but I want to help. What can I do?

We'll need betas as all fanfics should be beta'ed prior to posting. If you're interested in being a beta, you'll be able to sign up on April 2, 2011. Writers, if you already have a beta that you prefer to use, that is okay as well.

Okay, you got me. How do I sign up?

Singing up is easy! Simply fill out the form below and comment to this entry. Once approved, please check your community invitations as we will send one to the private community for big bang participants!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave them here as well! We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for your interest and please stay tuned to ga_fanfic this summer for exciting projects to burn away the hiatus blues.

Sign-Up Form (all comments are screened):

LJ username:
Email Address:
Do you need a beta or will you provide your own?
Are you interested in providing fan art, fan video, or a fan mix for another artist?

!mod crap, !big bang

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