Fanfic: It's about sex and saving lives 13/?

Jan 24, 2010 22:40

Title: It's about sex and saving lives (13/?)
Author: emdha
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG13
Summary: Arizona copes with the twins' arrival and Callie lends a helping hand.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

check out previous chapters at


A/N: Sorry guys, I really updated as fast as I could and that was today! I hope you're still with me! This is another chapter about Arizona getting used to the kids. It's a pretty big deal and I don't want to rush past it you go! For those who are afraid of losing the sexy times: don't worry, be patient, smut is just around the corner ;)! Love you guys!


It had been two days since the twins arrived and still, nobody could tell them apart. Arizona had brought them to the hospital the first day. There was an emergency and she didn't have a nanny yet. With her crazy and unpredictable schedule, she really needed a nanny.

The kids had driven the kindergarten staff crazy. Arizona had forgotten to pick them up, not being used to having to think for three people instead of one all of the sudden. She had driven straight home and only when she came home and saw all the unpacked bags, she realized the kids were still in the hospital. The thought alone that she could forget such a thing had already brought her on the verge of tears but she had managed to fight the feeling of failure creeping up on her. So she went back and mumbled her apologies to the slightly irritated staff. Tom was busy writing dirty words on the chalk board while Josh Jr. was testing the quality of a plastic dinosaur by slamming it into a wall repeatedly, making high pitched sounds that would make your ears ring for the rest of the day. Arizona had quickly pulled them by the hand and rushed back home.

Once home, they had unpacked everything and found a nice spot for Toodles and Noodles, in the window sill where they would have lots of sun. Arizona sighed: 'one day you're having amazing salsasex with your hot girlfriend, the next day you're sexless and thinking about the best place to raise two turtles named after an Asian dish. What happened to my life?!' she thought to herself. She had cleared out her study room (which was actually a room full of trash which she rarely used for work and no one was allowed in it anyway) and placed an old bunk bed in it that she got from one of the nurses.

She discovered that the kids weren't high maintenance at all. Sure, they wouldn't stop yelling at each other, bashing each others skulls with random toys, running through the living room just when Arizona was making her way to the couch with a cup of steaming hot tea in her hands. But in the end, they always listened when Arizona talked, the ate their food (which, admittedly, was McDonalds the first time and Burger King the second) and they slept like angels (expect when they would wake up in the middle of the night to scream for their parents).

Arizona had hardly slept since their arrival. Apart from the fact that she was constantly worried, she missed Callie. They agreed not to spend the night with each other until the kids were settled. Moving to Seattle was a huge step for the kids already and they wanted to take things slow for them. So apart from occasional glances and joint lunches at the hospital, she didn't get to see her love much and it was really getting to her. The past few months they had spend practically every night in each others arms and Arizona was having a hard time finding a peaceful sleep these days without the warm body of her girlfriend wrapped around her. Callie offered her help with the twins more than once but Arizona had told her she wanted to try things on her own first. This was her battle, not Callie's. Callie understood but Arizona could see the defeat and helplessness in her eyes. She wanted to let her in, really, but she needed to know whether or not she could manage on her own. She felt like she owed this to her brother.

Fortunately, she had enough to take her mind off of Callie with finding a school for the twins, as well as a nanny. She took part of her second day off to check some schools and enlisted the twins at the Parkside Primary School. To her, every school looked the same, but this one gave her a good feeling so she decided to go with that. The nanny was easily arranged by contacting an agency.

Today, the third day, she felt more secure and happy than she had in days. She was quite proud of herself for coping so well. Now all she had left left to do was learn her kids names. Yeah, that would definitely help.


Callie had been walking around the hospital with a face that read thunderstorm. Only the few times she saw Arizona her face lit up and she was somewhat approachable to other people. She hadn't slept at all since the arrival of the kids. Each time she dangled on the verge of sleep, the reality of an empty king size bed would dawn on her and leave her awake for at least another hour and this routine repeated itself until her alarm clock would go off. And if there is anything she hated more than sleeping without Arizona, it was dealing with a hypochondriac after a sleepless night without Arizona.

A patient came in with a broken finger because he was trying to build a doll house and hit himself with a hammer. Despite the fact that she thought old men shouldn't build doll houses at all, Callie had fixed his finger but he refused to leave, saying he was confident that he needed a tetanus shot because of his finger. Callie tried to shove him off to an intern, but the guy didn't trust other doctors. So she faked a shot by inserting water but he wouldn't budge. He requested an HIV test and a two night observation, because he didn't feel safe any more in 'this polluted and corrupt world,' as he put it. Callie ended up gritting her teeth and taking his blood a bit more forcefully than necessary. Consequently, the inside of his arm turned a deep purple and he claimed he had maggots under his skin. It took Callie five (fake) X-ray scans to convince him there were in fact no animals living in his body. By the time she signed his discharge papers, she made a little victory jump which made the chief raise a disapproving eyebrow at her and Callie smiling back apologetically.

When she entered the locker room to refresh her scrubs since the hypochondriac spit and bled all over it she saw Arizona, facing her cubby, apparently lost in her thoughts. Callie tiptoed over and approached her from behind. She leaned in to place a kiss on the back of her neck when...

“AAH!” Arizona shrieked and jumped two feet in the air, bashing her head against the hard cold metal of her cubby.

“Woah babe relax, it's me!” Callie said, a bit confused. Arizona was rubbing the growing bump with one hand.

“Sorry, I'm just a bit jumpy lately” she smiled sweetly at Callie. “I miss you” she said softly, leaning into Callie's open arms. Callie hugged her lovingly and rubbed circles on her back.

“I miss you too. How have you been?” she didn't need to hear the answer to know that Arizona was exhausted. Her eyes were only half open and her usually so shiny hair was hanging limply on her shoulders.

“I'm coming over tonight. I will cook for you and help out a bit. They don't have to know anything. Tonight I'm just a friend helping out, okay?” Arizona knew from the sound of her voice that she didn't have a choice and frankly, she couldn't wait to spend an evening with Callie again, even if they had to act as 'friends'. She simply nodded in agreement and sought the warmth of Callie's embrace again. They stood like that for a few more minutes, until their jobs demanded their attention. Arizona reluctantly let go of her lover and quickly checked her reflection in the mirror before returning to reality. She sighed when she saw herself. The resemblance with that Loony Tunes dog Droopy was starting to get scary.


Callie was already sitting on the doorstep when Arizona came bashing around the corner.

“I'm so sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! I had to pick up some school stuff, they're starting tomorrow.” She held up three bags full of pens, block notes and pencils.

Callie flashed her a big smile before taking the bags from her and showing forgiveness with a soft kiss on the lips. “It's fine, I just got here.”

Arizona pointed at the big bag in Callie's hand. “What's that?”

“Dinner. And something else but that's a secret for now. Come, let's eat.” She opened the door and Callie immediately walked over to the kitchen while Arizona let the nanny out.

“Tom! Josh!” she yelled. The twins came running out of their room, paint all over their faces.

“Auntie Zona, we painted mommy and daddy! But it's not done yet, you can't see it yet!” they yelled in turns.

“That's great. I brought Callie to eat with us. You remember Callie? She is going to cook for us, okay?”

The twins just shrugged and ran back into their room. Arizona looked disappointed and slumped over to the couch. Callie walked over to her and started massaging the blondes shoulders.

“You're so tense.”

“I know. This whole parenting thing is wearing me out. I'm so glad you're here.” Arizona sighed with her eyes closed.

“Take a bath. I'll watch the kids. Here.” Callie reached in the big bag and held up a basket full of wonderful shower gels, body lotions, massage oil and bath foams in the most delicious fragrances. Arizona took it from her and pulled Callie in for a kiss.

“You're. The. Best. Girlfriend. Ever” she mumbled in between kisses.


Arizona came out of the bath completely refreshed. When she followed the delicious smell of Callie's cooking into the living room, dressed in a bathrobe, she paused when she saw Callie playing UNO cards with the twins. They were laughing animatedly and eating some snacks.

“You're cheating!” Josh yelled to Callie.

“Look who's talking! You're the cheater!” Callie yelled back, pulling a card from behind Josh's ear.

Josh's eyes widened. “How'd you do that?!” he asked in amazement.

“If you can beat me I'll teach you” Callie promised. She noticed Arizona standing in the doorway and winked at her.

“Come on guys, dinner's ready. Chop chop!” Callie directed them to the already set table. She held out the chair for Arizona and the moment Callie's hand lightly brushed Arizona's exposed arm, they both shivered at the contact. Callie almost melted because of the love she saw in Arizona's eyes. She tried to answer her with her eyes and had to resist the strong urge to lay her hand on Arizona's and squeeze it softly.

“It smells delicious, doesn't it guys?” Arizona broke the moment. The twins nodded and looked eagerly at the steaming food in front of them. Callie quickly filled their plates and soon, the only sound in the room was the smacking of the twins and the soft moans of delight that Arizona let out.

“Cannahef sommore sauce?”

“Don't eat with your mouth full Tom! First swallow, then talk.”

“I didn't say anything!”

“Oh, sorry. I meant Josh.”

Callie grinned. This mommy thing really did come naturally with Arizona and she didn't even know it herself.

The evening passed way too quickly for Arizona's liking. Callie's presence made her feel light hearted and momentarily, she didn't feel so permanently tired any more. Callie was such a natural with the kids. She was making jokes all the time and the kids clearly adored her.

“Can we finish the painting?” the twins asked.

“Thank Callie first for the lovely dinner.”

“Thank you Callie” Tom said. Josh walked over to her and wrapped his little arms around her. Without saying a word, he let go and ran after Tom, into their room. Callie looked a bit surprised.

“Yeah, he's always been the sensitive and weird one” Arizona explained, giggling.

“I love them” Callie said dreamily. She stuck out her arm and covered Arizona's hand with hers. “You're a great mother, you know that right?”

Arizona looked away shyly. “I'm doing all right...”

Callie stood up and pulled Arizona from her seat. “Come” she said and tiptoed over to the boys' bedroom. They both peeked around the corner without making a sound.

They boys were completely lost in their artwork. Tom (or Josh) was using a paintbrush while Josh (or Tom) gave up already and was using his little fingers as paintbrushes.

Both women stood there for a few moments, observing the little artists, until Callie pulled Arizona back and gestured her to sit on the couch with her. She spoke in a low voice so the twins wouldn't hear.

“Look at them Ari. They haven't cried all night. They were even laughing tonight! They're playing together now, without making a sound. They're healthy and they're beautiful. Thanks to you, they get to forget about all the misery around them for a while. They are happy Ari. You make them happy. You're not just doing all right. You're doing great. You're a great mom.” Callie was stroking Arizona's arm up and down while speaking.

Arizona listened to her and as the words left her mouth, she couldn't help but grin like an idiot. Callie was right. Three days and they were still alive, that's more than she'd hoped for!

“I don't get all the credit. You were great with them tonight. Seriously Calliope, if it wasn't for you, I don't know...” the words stuck behind the lump forming in her throat.

“But I will always be here” Callie brought her hand up to her chin. “Always.”

They looked each other deeply in the eyes and just as they leaned in to share a kiss the twins came running back in. They didn't even notice the intimacy between the two women because they were too excited to show their painting.

“Look!” They both held up an end of the carton and turned it around. There were two people with wings sitting on a cloud next to a very happy sun. On the ground, there were two little people and one taller one with yellow hair.

“That's mommy and daddy. They are angels and they are friends with the sun. They are looking at us, look!” Josh pointed at the people on the ground. “That's you Auntie Zona! And that's us. It's for you.”

Arizona placed her hand over her heart and forced a smile through her tears, taking the painting from the boys. “That's...beautiful sweeties. I will hang it in my room okay?” The twins grinned broadly.

Arizona gazed at the painting in her hands a little while longer before speaking. “Bedtime!”

“I'll take Josh” Callie said, standing up and taking Josh by the hand. “Come on little bugger, let's get you into bed!”

Arizona took Tom and within ten minutes, the twins were yawning in their bed. Callie left the room to give them some privacy. Arizona kissed both their foreheads and tucked them in. “”Goodnight. I love you.”

“I love you too Auntie Zona” they yawned before drifting off immediately. Arizona stood in the dark room a minute longer before returning to the living room where Callie was already finishing the dishes.

“Have I already told you how amazing you are?” Arizona sighed.

“You might've mentioned it once or twice” Callie laughed. “You should get some sleep yourself.”

“But I don't want this night to be over!” Arizona pouted.

“Me neither. But I am ordering you, as your girlfriend. Sleep. Now.” She walked over to Arizona and led her into the bedroom. “And I guarantee you'll have pleasant dreams after the massage I'm about to give you.” Arizona's eyes glinted and she made a little hop of excitement while walking over to the bed. Callie took the oil from the basket and poured a generous amount on her her hand. She sat behind Arizona and carefully slid the bathrobe of her shoulders, revealing her naked upper body. If it weren't for the kids sleeping one wall away and Arizona being beyond exhausted, this would've caused Callie to attack the blonde right there and then, but tonight she just wanted to take care of her girlfriend. She began rubbing her shoulders in slow circles, going lower with every stroke to make sure the oil was equally spread over her back. She motioned Arizona to lie down on her stomach. Callie straddled her to apply more pressure and began massaging her whole back, eliciting soft moans from Arizona every now and then.

Callie sensed that Arizona was starting to drift off but she kept rubbing her back, humming some random songs softly. When the oil was completely soaked in, Callie stepped off and Arizona opened her eyes lazily. Callie knelt beside the bed and pulled the blankets over the blondes body to tuck her in like Arizona had done with the twins.

“Are you leaving?” Arizona mumbled, her voice half muffled by the pillow.

Callie stroked her hair lovingly and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. “No. I won't leave before I'm sure you're having sweet dreams about me” she whispered back.

“Dreams about you are always sweet” Arizona whispered, letting out a small yawn. She was fighting against her sleep now. Callie continued to stroke her hair.

“Go to sleep.”

Arizona closed her eyes and her breathing became slow and regular.

“I love you” Callie whispered. She was sure she saw a faint smile appear on Arizona's face before the blonde fell into a deep, peaceful sleep and for the first time in weeks, she had happy dreams about Callie, the twins, and her brother.


author: emdha, shipper: arizona/callie

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