In An Instant

Jan 13, 2010 19:14

Title: In an Instant(3/?)
Author: greys_addict
Ship: Callie/Arizona
Rating: M
Summary: Callie has a huge secret, one that she's never told anyone, not even her family. When a patient come into the hospital her secret is revealed. How will Arizona react to Callie's past?
Disclaimer: Grey's Anatomy is owned by ABC and Shonda Rhimes. Any and all use of it is purely entertainment. No profit of any kind is made for myself or organization

Pacing had become a regular thing for Callie since finding out about Aaron. She had been surprised at Arizona’s understanding and her willingness to help her get him back. The rumor mill had already stirred around the hospital. Gossip filled the nurses’ stations about Callie’s son. No one bothered to ask her about the truth except Cristina and Mark. Most just thought Callie got knocked up in college because she slept around. It couldn’t be father from the truth.

She stopped and looked herself over in the mirror. She wanted to look nice today. She was going to Protective Services to see Aaron and see what had to be done to get him in her custody. She closed her eyes and the felt a pair of arms slip around her waist. She smiled and hugged the body to her. She leaned her head back, resting it on top of Arizona’s.

“Nervous?” she asked, softly turning Callie in her arms to look at her. Callie chuckled and pressed her forehead against her.

“Nervous, doesn’t even begin to cover it.” She said and released a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.

“It’ll be okay, Calliope.” Arizona whispered. Callie wrapped her arms tighter around her just held her. How was she going to do this? She would have to relive everything that she had tried so hard to forget. Now it will soon be staring back at her in the eyes of a little boy.

“I hope so. What if I get in there and he doesn’t want anything to do with me? He is going to be so upset. He already thinks that I abandoned him and just gave him away.” She said, panic filling her feature and voice. Arizona reached up and placed her hands on either side of Callie’s face.

“Cal, don’t think the worst. Right now you are the only person that could help him. He’s going to love you. It will take some time, but I have no doubt that he will love you.” She encouraged and stood on her toes to kiss her softly. Callie relaxed the moment their lips touched.

“How do you do that?” she asked as Arizona settled back on her feet. Arizona tilted hr head to the side and asked. “Do what?”

“Make me feel better with just a kiss or a touch.” Arizona smiled widely and walked past her to the door.
“Because I’m awesome.” She said and placed her hand on the handle. Callie smiled and rolled her eyes at her girlfriend.

“Come on, your son is waiting for you.” She said and lifted her hand to Callie’s. Callie took a deep breath and walked to her, slipping her hand into her s and let Arizona lead her away.
“I don’t want to meet them! I want my mom!” Aaron screamed as he struggled to get away from the social worker.
“Aaron, calm down please. You are just going to talk to them. We are trying to find your mom.” He young woman said and tried to keep her hold on his hand. He finally got his hand free and ran toward the door of the office. He opened it at the same time someone on the other side did. His had let go of the handle like it had burned him. His eyes widened.

“Doctor Callie!” he yelled and threw his arms around her legs. Callie let her hand travel to his dark hair and looked down at him. He looked up at her with big brown tear filled eyes.

“Do you know where my mom is?” he asked with a broken voice. Callie bit her lip to control her own emotions. The social worker came up behind him and tried to pull him off her.

“I’m sorry.” She said and Callie placed her hand on hers.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” She said. She didn’t mind at all. She bent over and lifted Aaron into her arms. He was tall for his age. Aaron wrapped his legs around her waist and threw his arms around her neck.

“Please, take me to my mom.” He said as he cried into her shoulder. Callie tightened her arms around him and hugged him. Her own tears failed her and fell down her cheeks. Aaron laid his head on her shoulder and the social worker looked at them. She tilted her head toward the back.

“Come this way, please.” She said and led them into a small room in the back of the office building. Callie pulled out the chair and sat down in it, Aaron still clinging to her.

“Why don’t you put him down, while we talk.” The worker suggested. Callie looked to Arizona then back to the woman. She shook her head and then leaned her head against Aaron’s.

“I’ll hold him, if that’s okay.”

“Not a problem. He’s not allowed any one near him since he was taken into custody.” She said and turned her head to the file that lay open on her desk.

“According to your reports, his mother just left, is this correct?” she asked, looking up to meet Arizona’s gaze. Arizona nodded.

“Yes ma’am.” She said and looked at Callie. She wasn’t sure she wanted to say what she had to say next. It would make things harder for Aaron. She gave Callie a knowing look and Callie looked to the social worker.

“Miss Harper, may I take Aaron out of here and just spend some time with him to allow you and Arizona to talk?” she asked. Miss Harper nodded.

“The playroom is just down the hall. I’ll come to see you when Dr. Robbins and I finish up here.”

“Thank you.” she whispered and stood, taking Aaron from the room. Once the door was closed Arzona looked back to Miss Harper.

“Please continue, Dr. Robbins.”

“The nurse that informed me that she had left, said that his mother was hurried and told her that Aaron was safer here and that she was sorry for everything. She also gave her Aaron’s social security card. I turned it into the authorities when they came for him.” She explained and played with the simple ring on her finger that Callie had given her for her birthday.

“Thank you. I understand that Dr. Torres and yourself are in a relationship together?” she asked, her pen moving swiftly over a sheet of notebook paper.

“Yes, that is correct. Will that be a problem with Calliope getting her son?”

“By Washington Adoption Laws, Dr. Torres gave up all rights to her son. She will have to re-adopt him as any other person. We do look at the fact that she does have a biological bond to him, but she will have to go through everything an adoptive parent has to go through. As of her sexual orientation, Washington allows Gay and Lesbian adoption. If you, Dr. Robbins, are planning on rasing this child with her and adopting him as well, must undergo the same procedures. Have you and Dr. Torres, discussed the possibility of co-parents adoption?”

Arizona listened carefully to what Miss Harper explained. Arizona hadn’t talked to Callie about adopting Aaron as her own. She just wanted to make sure that Callie got her son and she would do what she had to make that happen.
“We haven’t discussed that, I’m sorry. We’ve been focused on getting him to her that we’ve not talked about that. I’m behind Calliope, 100%. If she wants me to raise him with her, I’m all for it. I’ll jump through every legal hoop I have to, for her.” She explained confidently.
“Thank you for being honest with me. I take it Dr. Torres has explained the reasons behind giving him up for adoption in the first place?” she asked, once again her pen moving rapidly. Arizona cleared her throat and nodded.
“Yes, she did. But if you wouldn’t mind, I would rather you ask her about that. It’s not my story to share.”

“Not a problem, that’s respectful of you. Now I understand that she kept that she had a child a secret from everyone, including her parents. How do you feel when she told you she had given up a child?”

“I was shocked to say the least. I didn’t understand why she would keep it from me but she explained the whole thing to me. She loved him and she did what she thought was best for her son.”

Miss Harper nodded and laid her pen on the paper n front of her. She folded her hands together and looked up at Arizona.

“Thank you, Dr. Robbins. I appreciate your honesty. I’m going to talk with Dr. Torres and then let you both spend some time with Aaron. I will observe your reactions and his. Thank you, again.” She said and held her hand out to Arizona’s Arizona took it and shook it gently before leaving the small office.

Miss Harper followed her out and walked to the playroom. Inside Callie was talking with Aaron as he explained the tower and city he’d built with the Legos. She smiled a bit then cleared her throat, making both of them look up at her.

“I’m ready for you, Dr. Torres.” She said softly. Callie’s heart began to race and she nodded once. She looked back to Aaron, who’s smile had disappeared.

“Hey now, where that smile go? I’ll be back. I’m just going to talk to Miss Harper. How about you show, Arizona how to build with the Legos, I think she’d like that.” She suggested. Aaron’s face lit up once more and he nodded happily, as he started pulling apart the pieces. Callie grinned and stood up. Arizona was standing next to Miss Harper, her arms folded neatly across her chest. Callie kissed her quickly and Arizona took her hand. She squeezed it gently in reassurance.

“He’s a wonderful little boy, Ari. And he’s so smart.” She said.

“I didn’t doubt that for a moment.” Arizona replied and released her hand to join the small boy who was ready with about a hundred Lego pieces to start building with. Callie took one deep breath and followed Miss Harper from the room. Once inside her office she sat down, folding her hands in her lap.

“I’m just going to ask you a few questions, okay?” Miss Harper asked, in a gentler tone than her business tone she’d used with Arizona.

“Okay.” Callie answered.

“Arizona informed me of how she found out about his mother leaving, but I know that you were the last person to talk to her. Will you please explain that conversation?”

“Yes. I was assigned to his case, due to his injuries he sustained from his father. His mother recognized me immediately and asked sot speak with me. She explained that she knew who I was and that Aaron was my son. She apologized several times for what happened and said that I could help her keep Aaron safe. She told me to take him and left before I could answer her.” She explained, as she played with her nails. Miss Harper nodded and placed her pen back down.

“I know this is the hard part but I need you to explain to me the basis behind his adoption.” She said softly. Callie sighed and took a deep breath and began to explain her story. She explained the rape and the pregnancy. She explained that she kept it all a secret from her family because she was afraid of what they would think.

“When I gave him away, I was thinking what was best for him. I knew I couldn’t have been the mother he deserved. I was in college, on my way to medical school. I wasn’t being selfish. I needed him to have a better life than me. I was afraid I would resent him and not love him like I should. But there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him. When I held him that first time, I almost changed my mind, but I knew I couldn’t. I love him, Miss Harper. I know that she loved him, but she chose her husband over him.” She explained. She had tried to hold back her tears but she lost the battle. Mss Harper laced her fingers together and looked into Callie’s tear filled eyes.

“I have no doubt that she does love him. As for Mr. Manchester, he was arrested on child abuses charges. This isn’t the first time Aaron has been treated for similar injuries. We haven’t been able to locate Mrs. Manchester, but with the information that we have received we believe that she isn’t coming back. Aaron has become a ward of the state. We would like to place him as soon as possible. We will run the evaluations on the both of you and then we will contact you. We would like for you to apply for our foster care program first.” She explained and gathered the paper work that was sitting next to Aaron’s folder.

“Just fill these out and have Dr. Robbins fill them out as well. That is if you are planning on adopting with her. She informed me that you hadn’t discussed that with her yet. Is that something you would like to happen or are you planning on trying to adopt him yourself?” she asked. Callie thought for a moment, taking the stack of papers from her.

“Arizona is as much a part of this as I am. She will be included in everything.” She said curtly.

Miss Harper smiled and stood. “I would like you both to spend a little more time with Aaron, together. I will be observing the three of you for our evaluations.” She said and led Callie out of the room. Once in the playroom Aaron, she sat down with Arizona and Aaron and Aaron began to tell her what he did with Arizona. Callie grinned and ran her hand through his dark locks. It reminded her of her own when she was younger. Wild and untamable. Aaron looked up at her from his gaze on the fort he was building and smiled. In the background, Miss Harper watch, happily as the three interacted. Aaron was comfortable with them and the women were a joy to watch. Their faces lit up with each little thing he showed them. She watched how Callie adjusted to every move he made, to be closer to him. After a few quick notes, she stood and cleared her throat.

“I’m afraid that time is up. Aaron can you say goodbye to them please?” she asked. Aaron’s bottom lip poked out and he looked up at Callie then back to Miss Harper.

“Do they have to leave? Can’t they stay here?” he asked. Miss Harper pulled her clipboard to her chest and shook her head.

“I’m sorry, sweetie but they can’t. But they can come back tomorrow. I promise.” She said with a smile. She looked up at Callie.

“Can you both be here by 9 am, with the paperwork?” she asked. Both women nodded quickly. Arizona gently took Callie’s hand in her own and squeezed it.

“Really?!” Aaron asked, happily. Callie released Arizona’s hand and knelt to his level.

“Really. So let’s be a big boy and be good for everyone here. Can you do that for me?” she asked, tapping her finger to his nose. Aaron’s smiled widened and his head bounced up and down in excitement. Callie smiled and hugged him gently. Aaron then went and hugged Arizona’s legs.

“You’re coming too, right?”

“Of course.” She said and ruffled his hair a bit. Aaron smiled and then went back to playing with the blocks on the floor. Callie looked down once more at him and smiled.

“Ladies?” Miss Harper called from the door. Callie reluctantly walked toward the door, her strength leaving her. She didn’t know how to walk away from him, not again. She felt Arizona’s strong, delicate hand take hers and she found her strength. With Arizona, she felt she could do anything she set her mind to. Callie sighed and walked out of the room, leaving her son behind. She hoped and prayed that it would be just one of a few that she would have to leave him. On their way out, Miss Harper handed them a card.

“Please call me, if you have any questions concerning the paperwork. I’m on your side with this. I will do everything in my power to help you.” She said with a smile and opened the door for them.

“Thank you, Miss Harper. It means the world to me and I know it means everything to Calliope.” Arizona replied, taking the card. She stuffed it into her pocket and led Callie out of the building into the Seattle rain.

The ride home was silent. Callie stared mindlessly out the window, her hand never leaving Arizona’s grasp. Callie’s eyes then widened and she turned quickly to Arizona.

“I need to get a new apartment! There’s no way they would let me take him to the apartment!” she squealed.
“Relax, we’ll find you one or..” she started then changed her mind.

“Or what?” Callie asked.

“Nevermind, it’s stupid.

“It’s not stupid, what is it?”

“You can move in with me. I have a three bedroom home. Dad insisted that I get a house instead of an apartment when I moved out here. But that’s stupid, so forget I said anything.” She said, shaking her head. Callie was smiling brightly, beside her.

“That’s not stupid! That’s perfect. Arizona, we are adopting my son together. That’s what I told Miss Harper. I hadn’t thought about it before, I was consumed with the thought of just getting him with me. But now that I think about it, I can’t imagine a better person to raise him with. I don’t want anyone else, Arizona. You’re it for me.” She explained, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. Arizona smiled and pulled into the parking lot for the complex and parked the car.

“You’re serious?’

“Very. How about we go upstairs and pack my stuff? I’ll let Cristina down easy. She’ll understand.” She said and couldn’t wait to get inside. Arizona giggled.

“I think that’s a perfect idea. Let’s get you moved into our home.” She said and kissed Callie’s lips.

“I love you, Arizona.”

“I love you too, Calliope.”

shipper: arizona/callie, author: greys_addict

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