Derek/Meredith: What hurts the most

Sep 14, 2008 22:24

Title: What hurts the most.
Author: Rae
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Derek/Meredith, implied Derek/Addison and Izzie.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Season 2, anywhere you like but I’d say in and around ‘Grandma got hit by a Reindeer’.
Disclaimer: Shonda Rhimes/ABC and all those lovely people own Grey’s Anatomy and I do not.
Summary: Meredith is tired of being the other woman and she ends up taking it out on Derek.
Author Notes: My first Grey’s fic! Yay. It’s just something that was percolating and needed to get out so I hope you like.
Word Count: 800ish

Some days the pain is worthwhile, it pushes us further, to do more - be more. It reminds us we’re alive.

Addison had made sure as hell that Meredith would never even be in the same elevator as Derek unless it was absolutely necessary. But even Satan, Ruler of all that is Evil couldn’t prevent the inevitable.

Staring at the numbers as they flashed by, Meredith had been unfortunate enough to catch the elevator going up then down instead of straight down. Because up meant to the surgical floor but also up to where Derek was performing another craniotomy. The looks of pity that people gave Meredith as they entered the elevator just made her more angry and it was not abated when Derek walked in and looked right at Meredith.

They thought they were clever, little whispers here and there but Meredith could hear it all. Gratefully, Derek turned his back on Meredith to stare at the same numbers she had. The whisperers left after the next two floors leaving Meredith and Derek alone.


“No.” Meredith said immediately, cutting Derek off.

“No? I haven’t even…”

“I don’t care.” Meredith glared at Derek, hoping that he couldn’t see how affected by him she was.

Derek sighed and shook his head, “I thought we were friends Meredith.”

Meredith dropped her bag on the floor, Derek frowned as he watched her do it. Naturally her hands went up to tangle in his dark hair as she pressed her lips against his. There was no resistance on Derek’s part as he kissed her back, hard. Meredith was vaguely aware when her back hit the cool metal of the elevator wall. One hand loosened from Derek’s hair to fumble at his waist for the string on his scrubs, but then Derek pulled away, breathing heavily.


Meredith closed her eyes and took a breath before opening them again, “I’m not your friend Derek, I’m your dirty mistress.”

The elevator pinged as it reached the ground floor destination, Meredith smoothed down her hair and picked up her bag before walking as confidently as she could from the elevator.


Meredith was biting into a forkful of Izzie’s chocolate temptation cake when Izzie came into the kitchen and sat down opposite her.

“Mer.” Meredith offered Izzie the fork, which she took and took a mouth of the cake.


“Apparently, Derek was looking a little flushed when he got out of the elevator tonight.” Izzie pointed out.

Meredith nodded, “Yeah?”

“Yeah, you wouldn’t know anything about that would you?” Izzie continued as she handed the fork back to Meredith.

“Why would I know anything about Derek, Iz? We broke up. He has a wife remember?”

“Hmm, yeah. But it doesn’t explain why he’s here and not with his wife.” Izzie replied as Meredith stopped as her mouth closed around the fork.

“Did you do dirty in the elevator Meredith?” Izzie asked seriously.

Meredith swallowed and shook her head, “No.”


“Okay! Almost.” Meredith sighed as she walked past Izzie, earning herself a slapped ass as she passed.


Derek was standing in the living room, staring at all the various pictures of Meredith and everyone that had been amassed since they started their internship. There was a smattering of George and Izzie, Cristina and Meredith and only a few of all of them. But none of him and Meredith.

“I put them away, in a box.” Meredith said as she finally announced her presence.

“Sorry, I didn’t realise I said that out loud.”

“Derek, I’m sorry about before. It was wrong and unfair of me.” Meredith sighed as she took a step forward and Derek turned to face her properly.

“I just want to know why Meredith.”

“Why…? Because I love you but I’m sick of everyone pretending. Poor Meredith, so broken. I’ve had enough. You left me and it’s over.” Meredith tucked her hands into her jeans as Derek sighed and tilted his head.

“I…” Derek stopped himself from saying what he was about to say, because if he did he would be just as unfair as she was. “Right. I should…go….”

“Yeah.” It was obvious that Meredith didn’t want him to go but circumstance had forced them apart. Derek wished he wasn’t that guy, the guy who tried to save his marriage. He wanted to be the guy who got the woman he was in love with.


“Hmm?” Meredith looked up at him as he walked over to her. Slowly, Derek pressed a soft kiss on her lips and pressed his forehead to hers for a moment.

“I have this dream where it’s you and me. In the elevator, on the ferryboat, it‘s just you and me.”

Meredith let out a breath, “I have that dream too.”

“Goodbye Meredith.” Derek said as he finally made his way to the door.

“Bye Derek.” Meredith replied quietly.

Other days the pain is too much. It’s debilitating, it’s so deep that it will tear and hurt anew. It’s that pain that reminds us we’re human. That we have something to lose.

author: autumnrae89, shipper: derek/meredith

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