Beginning today, June 26th,
ga_fanfic will be hosting a character centered writing/drabble project aptly named the
ga_fanfic Character Writing Challenge. The challenge is designed for writers to work with the assigned character for the week and write a drabble, a full blown fic, even just a few lines to work with the character, try your characterization.
The idea of the challenge is to give the writers not only a chance to show off, but a chance to strengthen their writing abilities within the Grey's Anatomy fandom. Each week, we'll work our way through every character to ever grace our television screens and end with a bonus free for all week- a chance to show off your favorites.
Starting this week and working through the next few weeks, we'll start with our dearly departed. The characters that helped make Grey's Anatomy the hit that it became but are no longer with us.
The rules are simple:
- You must post your drabble or a link to your story within the comments to this post. If you wish to post the story to ga_fanfic, you must wait until the challenge advances to the next character.
- Drabbles may be posted anonymously if writing that particular character freaks you out that much. Be aware that posting a drabble to specifically flame a particular character/ship or out of general wank will not be tolerated and the mods will no longer allow anonymous answers to the challenge. This is a challenge to strengthen writing skills, not express your opinions on how much you hate the character presented.
- You may leave comments to other writer's drabbles, however, please keep criticism constructive. Anonymous commentary will be allowed, but IP addresses will be tracked. Those who abuse the privelige to comment anonymously will have their IP addresses banned from the community.
- All posts will be open for one week only. After that, comments will be disabled.
- For writers who complete every week regardless of story length, a profile badge will be awarded to show your achievement.
The thread for the week of June 26, Dr. George O'Malley, is officially open and will close on July 2, 2011!