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Comments 26

hime_lian92 June 6 2010, 06:35:44 UTC
yay! a master fic list~
but i can't read it here. still underage. lol.
gonna read in winglin. you post all of these in winglin, right? *wink*


g_odalisque13 June 6 2010, 06:42:53 UTC
yes :)
but you should be able to read a couple...not everything is smut! lol. *hides*


hime_lian92 June 6 2010, 06:45:34 UTC
haha. okay.
thank you~ *hugs*


babythyr August 9 2010, 15:32:34 UTC
hi! hope you don't mind me adding you.. ^^


g_odalisque13 August 9 2010, 16:12:13 UTC
of course not :) ♥


mein_angel December 10 2010, 04:30:53 UTC
damn girl you've written a lot!!! not that i mind at all, i've read everything :-)
i've scraped my external hard drive *bang head on table* stupid me, so i am in the process of searching every fic i had saved (bla bla bla you don't need to know that lol)
i like every fic you had here but why Love is not what it seem, is not there, it should!! i really liked that storie.
so yeah all that to say that kekeke


g_odalisque13 December 10 2010, 08:03:58 UTC
aw. i'm sorry about your external :(
idk...i liked bits of love is not what it seems, but i'm not as proud of it as i once was...that's why i didn't post. but it's still floating around in cyber-space somewhere. it should still be on winglin.
if you can't find it and you still want it, i will send it to you.
thanks for being such a loyal reader!!! ♥


(The comment has been removed)

Re: This is a small stop g_odalisque13 February 13 2011, 04:17:42 UTC
you are so sweet!
why would i ever get mad or annoyed? that's just ridiculous. lol.
i'm so glad that you like my writing so much! and that you leave such epic comments.
and just the fact that you take the comment on all of them is so flattering!
thank you so much for being such an enthusiastic reader! ♥


acornmama March 26 2011, 21:26:40 UTC
I am so glad I found you. You have an extensive list to get through and from time to time you will hear from me as I go through it. I love good fic and you showed up just when I was looking for someone to read.
Yeah! Thank you.


g_odalisque13 March 26 2011, 21:55:28 UTC
I'm so glad that you like my writing enough to want to read through my other works :)
I definitely look forward to hearing what you think of them!
I hope you enjoy!


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