S/P Art Of Chickens and Hens

Oct 04, 2009 21:02

If you were actually headed for the final chapter of the Cooper Libido Experiment, click on the image below.

If not, stick around!

Man, I'm so bad, spamming this community! I was actually going to wait til after Monday to post this but melon_moon17 posted a comment in my last art post about this (talk about psychic! 0_0) So I decided to just post it right now :D

Title: Of Chickens and Hens
Description: Let me present first the quote from Sheldon, in Season 3, episode 2.0: The Jiminy Conjecture

Sheldon to Howard: Oh, really? Well, I grew up with an older brother and a very contentious twin sister, and I believe I can easily best you at any physical confrontation be it noogies, swirlies or the classic: 'Why are you hitting yourself?'

Raj: Ooh, big talk from a man who was once treed by a chicken.

And so is born this artwork, which is inspired from the games "Farm Town" ( facebook. I don't play but my friends are addicts :P ) and Harvest Moon (consoles. this one, I'm addicted to). Think of this as Sheldon visiting Penny's farm in Nebraska, or the two of them setting up their own family farm in the Midwest. Anyone up for making a fic, feel free to do so! That's why I purposefully didn't add a word balloon 'coz you can just make up what Penny's saying. Anyway, I believe the picture speaks for itself, LOL!
I was gonna entitle this "The Chicken", but to include everyone else, that's why you got this title.

character: sheldon cooper, fanart, character: penny

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