I recommend reading Hellsing. And watching the Hellsing Ultimate OVAs. And watching Baccano! And reading +Anima and Gakuen Alice and Death Note and that one-shot "Calling You" manga and Fushigi Yuugi and Cowboy Bebop: Shooting Star, and The Day of Revolution and Princess Princess (which are connected), and watching the Princess Princess anime if it comes to that. Oh, and watching the Gakuen Alice anime, if not reading the manga. And reading Mars, which was actually rly good. Also trying any version of Gunslinger Girl, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter x Hunter, The Law of Ueki, or Keroro Gunso/Sgt. Frog. Also reading KareKano and Tramps Like Us. Also watching Princess Tutu. Also reading Ragnarok if you like Korean manhwa at all. Also watching Serial Experiments: Lain and Haibane Renmei. Also watching Yami no Matsuei and FAKE, and maybe reading FAKE too. Also reading Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and Amatsuki. Also either reading or watching the VERY short series of Le Portrait de Petit Cosette. Also watching Tokyo Godfathers if you haven't yet. Also
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Oh, did you read the ending of PoT?
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