Gift for Valika (Jake 2.0)

Jan 21, 2012 03:41

Title of vid: Weapon of Choice
Recipient: Valika
Vidder: grammarwoman
Fandom: Jake 2.0
Music: "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim
Summary: After a lab accident, mild-mannered tech support geek Jake Foley is now the NSA's Weapon of Choice.
Content notes: Violence (gunplay and fisticuffs), blood, potential needle/invasive bodily harm squick, ( Read more... )

!2011, f: jake 2.0, r: valika

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Comments 18

valika56 January 21 2012, 16:02:59 UTC
Oh, thank you so much, anonymous vidder for this fantastic video! This recalled my love on this great show totally. What a brilliantly edited vid this is!*flails*

I really, really don't know, how to express my feelings now. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH, AGAIN!:D


grammarwoman February 6 2012, 20:34:02 UTC
You're most assuredly welcome! I'm so relieved you like it. *grin*


daria234 January 21 2012, 22:14:52 UTC
This is wonderful - I love the way the editing brings out the many parallel choices Jake makes, and the choices of scenes was so great too.


grammarwoman February 6 2012, 20:36:21 UTC
Thank you! I started picking clips going in order through the episodes, but after a while I just let the music inspire me.


sabaceanbabe January 22 2012, 02:36:28 UTC
I love this vid. So much fun! I love all the "you can blow with..." sequences and I LOLed at 1:00 to 1:05. :D


grammarwoman February 6 2012, 20:36:52 UTC
You are the bee knees, you know that? *GRIN* Thanks for the help and squee.


cupidsbow January 22 2012, 09:50:31 UTC
Great fun.


grammarwoman February 6 2012, 20:37:03 UTC
Thank you!


amathela January 23 2012, 05:33:17 UTC
I loved this, such a fun vid! <3


grammarwoman February 6 2012, 20:37:40 UTC
Thank you very much - it was a fun show. *grin* Nice icon, too.


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