Title of vid: Mr Blue Sky Vidder: Charmax Recipient: Sammy aka jagwriter78 Fandom: Wall-E (Movie) Music: "Mr Blue Sky" by ELO Summary: From zero to hero x2. Warnings: Length: 3:40 (signed)
Dear Festividder who made this vid for me. I don't even know where to begin. When I put this fandom on my wishlist, I had NO IDEA that the result could be even more awesome than the movie itself! This is more than I ever expected (and probably also more than I deserve...) but let me just say - I had an awesomely crappy week and even crappier day today and just by watching that video, you made me the happiest person on Earth. It was just what I needed. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!
I sent a link to my brother with the instructions to let my 4-year old nephew watch this. He loves Wall-E to death. I got a call from him this afternoon and all I could hear over the phone was "WALL-EEEEEE! Auntie, it's Wall-EEEEEEEE! You sent me Wall-E!!!!" You just made a 4-year old boy the happiest kid in the world!
I just wanted to say again how thrilled I am by your reaction to this vid, it blew me away. You've helped make this whole experience a real pleasure. :D
I'm kinda glad I wasn't in chat because omg so embarrassed! Haha. Very, very happy though that the vid went over so well. My grin is still blocking out the sun.
Comments 148
I sent a link to my brother with the instructions to let my 4-year old nephew watch this. He loves Wall-E to death. I got a call from him this afternoon and all I could hear over the phone was "WALL-EEEEEE! Auntie, it's Wall-EEEEEEEE! You sent me Wall-E!!!!" You just made a 4-year old boy the happiest kid in the world!
just adorable :D It's not for me, but thank you anyway!
Perfect song, and so much joy!
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