Title of vid: Monsters Recipient: Destina Vidder: gwyneth Fandom: Kings (2009) Music: Monsters by You & Me Summary: Here there be monsters. Content notes: No standardized notes apply Signed length: 04:38 Signed URL:
I'm so glad that the vid made you think of the story--that was also mine, and also made for Destina, so that is a really, really nice bit of connection.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH VIDDER. VIDDER, I HEART YOU. This vid is GORGEOUS and also sad and makes me want to weep both for and about Jack, but OMG it is so perfect in every way. I love that you started with Jack alone under the flag on 'there are monsters here' because YES, you know, he is a monster among monsters, and sometimes he succumbs and sometimes he is what he's been made, and sometimes he tries to rise above, but. JACK omg poor Jack. This vid is STUNNING in its illustration of how fully he is surrounded by people who serve only their own interests, and how alone he is at all times even while surrounded.
Ugh, I also love how beautifully you've shown that love and desire are both forces of utter destruction in the Kingsverse.
SO BEAUTIFUL and full of emotion. I'm going to go rock in the corner and cry now for a while. I love this vid so much. :D
I am just so thrilled you enjoyed it so much. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw my assignment, because Jack and Jack & David was exactly what I wanted to vid--perfect symmetry! You can't ignore the monstrousness that Jack's been conditioned to, you know? But you also can't ignore what a victim he is of the monsters around him, as well, and the deep tragedy of that. It's a story made in vid heaven. ;-)
Thank you! Not gonna lie, making it, I found myself often getting the sniffles, because Jack tends to do that to me. And then you put in all those clips where he's crying, and you get sympathetic tears...
Comments 15
Now I'm gonna think very hard of the Yuletide fic where Jack and David are in love from the start, as it should have been.
I'm so glad that the vid made you think of the story--that was also mine, and also made for Destina, so that is a really, really nice bit of connection.
Ugh, I also love how beautifully you've shown that love and desire are both forces of utter destruction in the Kingsverse.
SO BEAUTIFUL and full of emotion. I'm going to go rock in the corner and cry now for a while. I love this vid so much. :D
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