Gift for thingswithwings by such heights (Lego Lord of the Rings)

Jan 26, 2014 03:12

Title of vid: All Star
Recipient: thingswithwings
Vidder: such heights
Fandom: Lego Lord of the Rings
Music: All Star by Smash Mouth
Summary: You're a rock star, get the show on.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 03:21
Signed URL:

Link to signed vid post.

Lyrics )

!2013, r: thingswithwings, f: lego lord of the rings

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Comments 22

blithesea January 26 2014, 18:18:03 UTC
This is awesome! Too cute for words!


such_heights February 13 2014, 11:14:20 UTC
Thanks very much!


tearful_eye January 26 2014, 19:39:29 UTC
\o/ i have the biggest smile on my face! this is TOO CUTE.
(also: does boromir get killed by a banana? or did i imagine that?)


such_heights February 13 2014, 11:14:34 UTC
Thank you! And yes, yes he does. It's a thing.


sabinelagrande January 26 2014, 21:59:36 UTC
This is so great!


such_heights February 13 2014, 11:14:44 UTC
Thanks very much! :D


nicole_anell January 27 2014, 00:41:53 UTC
LMAO the dancing horses?! This was so adorable!


such_heights February 13 2014, 11:15:03 UTC
Haha, thanks! The dancing horses are the greatest. :D


hai_di January 28 2014, 17:09:46 UTC
It's awesome!! Loved it! :D


such_heights February 13 2014, 11:15:14 UTC
Thanks very much!


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