Gift for blithesea by heuradys (Maurice)

Jan 26, 2014 01:52

Title of vid: Mockingbird, Wish Me Luck
Recipient: blithesea
Vidder: heuradys
Fandom: Maurice (1987)
Music: Mockingbird, Wish Me Luck by Duke Special
Summary: I want more.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 04:03
Signed URL:

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!2013, f: maurice, r: blithesea

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Comments 19

blithesea January 26 2014, 18:34:53 UTC
Eeeee! I love that you took up this one in particular, darling Festividder! The song you chose perfectly matches the feeling I get when I watch the movie, of passion and hope overcoming sadness and cowardice. I always want to yell at Clive to eat his heart out! And it's wonderful you kept the last dialogue, it always makes me imagine the two of them living happily together somewhere abroad, getting older, but that spark never dying. Thank you a million times for this beautiful vid!


heuradys February 14 2014, 02:29:29 UTC
I'm so terribly happy that you loved it! *G* It's a lovely movie and a lovely song and I got to weave them together for you! The last dialogue truly brings home that happy ending after the stress of the rest of it all, that I couldn't possibly leave it off.


talitha78 January 26 2014, 21:34:36 UTC
Beautiful. Perfect song choice!


heuradys February 14 2014, 02:30:04 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!


gaffsie January 26 2014, 23:43:51 UTC
This was lovely.


heuradys February 14 2014, 02:30:33 UTC
Thank you!


psuedo_catalyst January 27 2014, 13:33:00 UTC
Oh wow, that was such a great distillation of the emotions in that movie. Gorgeous, and such a perfect song.


heuradys February 14 2014, 02:32:26 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it!


anoel January 27 2014, 21:40:24 UTC
Awww I love this! They are so cute and you showed their relationship beatufiul. I really need to see this movie now!


heuradys February 14 2014, 02:34:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm so very glad you enjoyed it!


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