Gift for chaila by kuwdora (Winter's Bone)

Jan 19, 2013 07:07

Title of vid: Cross Bone Style
Recipient: chaila
Vidder: kuwdora
Fandom: Winter's Bone (2010)
Music: Cross Bone Style by Cat Powers
Summary: You have seen some unbelievable things.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 04:36

Link to signed vid post.

Lyrics )

!2012, f: winter's bone, r: chaila

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Comments 6

daria234 January 19 2013, 17:20:56 UTC
Amazing vid!


hollywoodgrrl January 19 2013, 17:24:44 UTC
Great little vid for a great little movie! Perfect song choice.


bironic January 19 2013, 19:37:08 UTC
Beautiful. Beautiful. Oh, Ree, trying so hard, surviving so much, trying to care for her own. Diamond eyes and crossbone style, indeed.


streussal January 20 2013, 03:26:57 UTC
First of all - fantastic song choice. In terms of lyrics, tone, and, most especially, fitting the region. (And in just being a really good song.)

You did a really good job of getting across the sort of flat mundanity the violence had in the movie - getting beat up by the group of women being intercut with her home life.

Oh and that last shot - god.

Great work.


barkley January 27 2013, 23:58:26 UTC
Oh, lovely, and great last scene to go with the unbelievable things.


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