Title of vid: Papa's Got A Brand New Bag
Recipient: Gianduja Kiss
Vidder: AbsoluteDestiny
Fandom: Maru the Cat
Music: "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag (Pt 1)" by James Brown
Summary: He ain't no drag.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 01:30
Link to signed vid post.
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Password: kitties
Come here sister.....Papa's in the swing
He ain't too hip...about that new breed babe
He ain't no drag
Papa's got a brand new bag
Come here mama....and dig this crazy scene
He's not too fancy....but his line is pretty clean
He ain't no drag.
Papa's got a brand new bag
Oh papa! He's doing the Jerk
Papa...he's doing the Jerk
He's doing the twist ... just like this,
He's doing the Fly ev'ry day and ev'ry night
The thing's....like a Boomerang.
Hey....come on
Hey! Hey.....come on
Hey! Hey....he's pu tight...out of sight...
Come on. Hey! Hey!
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