Title of vid: Going through space with the world
Recipient: thirdblindmouse
Vidder: bironic
Fandom: RPF - Chris Hadfield
Music: Act on Impulse by We Were Promised Jetpacks
Summary: From "day in the life of an astronaut" videos to international stardom; or, Chris Hadfield and his mustache: A treat for thirdblindmouse. Title from Hadfield's TED Talk; footage from the Canadian Space Agency and other sources.
Content notes: Possible vertigo warning: The camera is generally stationary+ but things float around and Hadfield is sometimes upside-down.
Password: spaceman
Signed length: 02:08
Signed URL:
http://bironic.dreamwidth.org/352309.html This entry was originally posted at
http://fv-poster.dreamwidth.org/329470.html, where there are
comments. You can comment either there or here.