Title of vid: Brooklyn Gamma
Recipient: Scribe
Vidder: bingeling
Fandom: Killjoys
Music: Brooklyn Gamma by BOOTS
Summary: Leave some doom for the lucky ones. A season 1 vid from Johnny's POV.
Content notes: Physical triggers (e.g., epilepsy or migraine: strobe lights, bright lights, "stuttery" cuts between 2-3 stills), graphic depictions of violence+ torture+ blood
Password: Festividz!
Signed length: 02:21
Signed URL:
http://bingeling.dreamwidth.org/543643.html Lyrics
It ain't as good as it gets
And if you got holes all over your chest
My best day's your worst day
'Worst day' is my best phrase
That's just what I get
Rope squeezin' my neck
The things I forget
Lost in my hotel room
Ocean on it's way back soon
That's what we get
Flies licking my face
All bets are closed off in this race
Break ground, start again
Break ground, start again
Get what we can get
Poison on my plate
I love it all the same
There's hands on my wrist
In the form of a fist
In the form of a kiss
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
You light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
Leave some room
For the lucky ones
Light up the sky
Light up the sky
For the lucky ones
This entry was originally posted at
http://fv-poster.dreamwidth.org/326225.html, where there are
comments. You can comment either there or here.