Title of vid: Learn to Fly
Recipient: such heights
Vidder: Dogstar
Fandom: Brave (2012)
Music: Lon Dubh (Blackbird) by Julie Fowlis
Summary: Take these broken wings and learn to fly.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:44
Signed URL:
Link to signed vid post.
Lon-dubh a’ seinn ann an dubhar na h-oidhche,
tog do sgiathan brist’ is èirich suas.
Fad do rè,
bha thu a’ feitheamh airson an tìd’ gu togail rithe.
Lon-dubh a’ seinn ann an dubhar na h-oidhche,
tog an sgàil bho d'shùil is seall gu geur.
Fad do rè,
bha thu a’ feitheamh airson an tioc a bhios tu saor.
Lon dubh sgèith,
lon dubh sgèith,
[a-]steach dhan t-solas dubh na h-oidhche!
Blackbird, fly
Blackbird, fly
Into the light
Dark black night
Lon-dubh a’ seinn ann an dubhar na h-oidhche,
tog do sgiathan brist’ is èirich suas.
Fad do rè,
bha thu a’ feitheamh airson an tìd’ gu togail rithe
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