Title of vid: Breathing Underwater
Recipient: Anoel
Vidder: alba17
Fandom: Homeland
Music: Breathing Underwater by Metric
Summary: An overview of Homeland S1 focusing on Carrie and Brody.
Content notes: Spoilers for all S1; war violence including bombings and brief glimpses of dead children; brief nudity.
Signed length: 03:50
Link to signed vid post.
I'm the blade, you're a knife
I'm the weight, you're the kite
They were right when they said
We were breathing underwater
Out of place all the time
In a world that wasn't mine to take;
I'll wait
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
I'm a blade, you're the knife
I'm a weight, you're the kite
They were right when they said
We should never meet our heroes
When they bowed at their feet
In the end it wasn't me
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
Nights are days
We beat a path through the mirrored maze
I can see the end
But it hasn't happened yet
I can see the end
But it hasn't happened yet
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
Am I breathing underwater?
Am I breathing underwater?
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