Gift for Milly by Jetpack Monkey (A League of Their Own)

Jan 19, 2013 02:09

Title of vid: Back to Avalon
Recipient: Milly
Vidder: Jetpack Monkey
Fandom: A League of Their Own (1992)
Music: Back to Avalon by Heart
Summary: I know I'm going home.
Content notes: No standardized notes apply
Signed length: 02:21

Link to signed vid post.

Forgive me I can't stay here anymore
I'm leaving with the tide
This evening another breeze blew 'round my door
Stirred me up inside
I'm breaking out of this tired old spell
I played it out long and so well

And the phoenix flies straight and high
Back to Avalon
Now I'm on my way back where I belong
Gonna go down with the sun
Back to Avalon

And the phoenix flies straight and high
Back to Avalon
Now I'm on my way back where I belong
Gonna go down with the sun

Back to Avalon
Nobody knows
What's inside my head or down this road
All I want
I know I'm going home

And the phoenix flies straight and high
Back to Avalon
Now I'm on my way back where I belong
Gonna go down with the sun

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comments. You can comment either there or here.

f: league of their own, !2012, r: milly

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