Time for more redneck adventures! If you are just now tuning in, here's
Part One and
Part Two. This is the Trailer Park Challenge and you can find the rules
Let's git goin'!
I'm just gonna pick up where I left off last time.
When we were last here, baby Clyde was about to grow into a toddler. And despite how she looks, Jane IS pregnant again with the illegitimate offspring of their gardener, Patrick. (Not that they can afford a gardener... they can't! But it was an excuse to get him around. >_> )
Wow. That nose seems to be riding pretty high on his face. It will be fun to see how this develops. :D
Clyde has an older sister...
I was thrilled to see Dixie autonomously playing with this stray dog one day! They've got to have two dogs living with them before the next heir is an adult, so we've got to get busy befriending strays. (because they don't have enough money to adopt one yet!)
Clover the dog has been good about showing up fairly often, so I can use a command on Dixie when she gets home from school to play with her.
May I draw your attention to the airfoil shaped head wandering past the lot in the background...
This town has no lack of this hair style!
There is also no lack of perfectly obnoxious teenagers...
And male Townies with the Pao Mellon face template. e__e
Anyway! The founder of all this grandeur is Bubba Hicks here.
"Good... that porch light is still there. Not sure whatever happened to the other one, but I'm keepin' my eye on this one!"
Jane is busy staying pregnant and trying to keep the fridge stocked with barely edible tomatoes.
They are also still dirt poor!
Holy crap, thank you Dixie! I'm sure "Simerella" will never be the same.
Dixie's cash combined with Bubba's regular paycheck give them more money than I've seen in their account EVER. Now he can pay that scary pile of angry colored bills. Let's see what the damage is...
Whew! Not as bad as I thought! Of course the bills aren't very high when you practically own NOTHING.
A little later we finally get to see what genetics the gardener's baby has!
RED HAIR! He's gonna stand out like a sore thumb. :D But we love him just the same...
He gets treated just as well as the other kids.
Oh, the new baby is named Jethro. And it's a boy. Just one more pregnancy to go.
With the unprecedented amount of cash they have now, I was able to finally get the kids an activity table. I think Clyde drew that one picture then never touched it again. e___e He spent any smart milk he ever got on dancing to the stereo and "following" his parents around.
Dixie never touched it either. She has other ideas about what constitutes "fun".
She's the resident obsessive bed-maker. Despite not having all that many neat points!
She also autonomously fishes in the pond.
And unlike her dad, she actually catches fish! Dixie has been singlehandedly keeping them feed for the past several days.
She's also a Daddy's Girl and drops what she's doing to go greet him when he gets home.
Welp, here we go. Double birthday day!
CRAP JANE! Watch what you're doin'!
Clyde's nose might actually be creeping further up his face.
Let's see how Jethro turned out... I've been desperately curious to see what Jane's extreme face template and the Pao face will come up with...
What the heck, he's adorable! Well I'm not betting it won't wonk out later.
These two faces though! Love these faces. ;D
Gah. It's freakin HARD to get a stray to move in! Just as Dixie got to be good friends with Clover (the dalmatian) the danged dog stopped coming by! Dixie will be a teen soon, and I won't be able to have her adopt Clover then (as I won't be able to give Dixie any commands). So now I've got Bubba working on befriending Chester here. :P
In the meantime Bubba and Jane managed to get the fourth and last pregnancy started. Jane's not the only one with a bun in the oven!
What did you think I meant? I got the kids an Easy-Bake Oven.
This way they can take care of their own hunger when it's desperate and I'm too busy to notice. >_<
Speaking of! I got a Social Worker pop up telling me Jethro is skin and bones. I had JUST told someone to get him a bottle! So upon investigating...
o____O He's stuck. Seems he can't figure out how to get out from around that wee chair leg to get to his bottle.
I tried to tell Bubba to get up, but then he complains someone is in his way! He's stuck, too!
I'll have to use 'move objects' then...
Whew. That was so stupid. >_<
Bubba's been in the Slacker job for ages now, and I've had him checking on the computer every day for Culinary. He really needs to change jobs and get some promotion bonuses into their account! The computer is now broken, so he's having to use the newspaper...
Off to work with a considerable pay cut (well, considerable when you consider he was only making $252 a day anyway and now it's $126). But the promotion money will help.
After Bubba's is at work, Dixie finally pops into an uncontrollable teen. Not too bad with the clothes!
I did take her to a mirror to fix the hair, though.
What the heck is Clyde looking at?
Are you kidding me?! A skinny little chair leg can prevent Jethro from getting to his bottle, but that two-by-four of a table leg can't?!
Later Bubba came home fuming and with a "friend" in tow. It's the paper boy! (This also started a trend that is driving me up the wall - Bubba brings the paper boy home EVERY FREAKIN DAY now!)
Well, nevertheless, there's a teen boy in the house and Dixie got randomized as straight. She's also a Pleasure sim with Romance secondary...
I can't give Dixie any commands, BUT...
"Why don't you go say hi to that nice boy your daddy brought home, sweetie!"
I had high hopes.
And they were dashed like that water balloon against Dixie's face!
This is NOT going to happen, I guess.
Well, life moves on...
Clyde and Dixie aren't well enough friends yet for her to agree to play red hands with him when he gets home from school. So I just tell Clyde to look at the "art" and then have him invite Dixie to join. This raises fun nearly as fast as red hands...
"Lady, do you know much I care about 'art'? THIS MUCH."
Six o'clock in the evening and it's time for my lighting mod to make it all dim inside and for Jethro to show us what his kid face has going for it...
He's still cute. And so freakin dapper in his kid suit!
So late that night I noticed that Dixie was already calculating pay-off gnomes she'd need for a future in the Criminal career. Then I realized there was something "odd" about her pen...
It's... a scalpel.
"...then when I finally cut the authority's pawns out of the picture, there will be nothing stopping my Bookie business from monopolizing all illegal betting in a 3 county radius. Checkmate, sheriff. Checkmate."
"Y'all excuse me, but I've got some stuff happenin' here, too, y'know!"
The fourth and final baby is another boy named Bodean. He's got brown hair and probably green eyes.
Dixie then proceeded to hold him ALL NIGHT. I was starting to wonder if she was actually glitched in place, because the hours were going by and dawn was approaching and she wasn't showing the first sign of wanting to move or go to bed or anything.
She did finally make it into bed. At 7:30 AM!
The school bus arrived 30 minutes later and I was surprised she managed to get up and out there. Good thing too, because I don't need any extra sims around that I have to keep an eye on today...
Because it's finally yard sale day!
As you can see, it's a huge array of crap Bubba and Jane dug up out of the ground. I also put the broken computer out there, but then realized the Humble computer can't be tagged "for sale" because it's a special item you can't restock like catalog stuff.
I also discovered that Jane has a silver sales badge and a bronze cashier badge! :O But since bronze is better than none, she got to run the register while Bubba helped the guests...
"Rocks?! Mister, we've got rocks out the wazoo!"
HEY! Rocks paid off! Bubba is still lacking a creativity point for a promotion (can't afford an easel yet!) so this helps a lot. Thanks random stranger who has a thing for rocks and never even bought one anyway! :D
"A crappy desk?! Mister are you in luck!"
Anyway, the sale was a moderate success. I do have a tip for all you Trailer Park Challengees: Put out the expensive stuff first! I sold 43 bones that day and no one bought the treasure chest or any of the other "nice" crap that was available! Then time ran out and I had to shut down. :(
Late that night, after coming home from work, I had Bubba bring Bodean to a cake since I had gotten the "one day to" pop up while the yard sale was still running. I'm really curious to see if Bubba and Jane will always grace us with interbred-looking kids, or if Dixie and Clyde were a fluke....
Eee! He's awesome! :D Also checkout his personality. The neatest and meanest one yet. And check out their bank balance! I've not ever seen quadruple numbers there before! What to buy first! It's like winning lottery money!
And I do believe that's it for now. More coming really soon! I've got enough photos for another update today if I get some time to sort them.