So. Teen Wolf. Over the past year or so, I have seen it slowly infiltrate my friendslist and dashboard. I assumed it was a guilty pleasure. Something trashy but fun. Plus there seemed to be a lot of fic for one pairing, which, well, a good pairing can make anything entertaining. But lately I started hearing whispers about the show being kind of
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Comments 17
I totally gave up and started watching it. It's so hopeful and sunny and open and funny in ways that Supernatural isn't right now that I just couldn't not fall in with both arms open. It's soooo lovely. I love my dark shit. I mean, I love things that are darker and nastier on so many real-world levels than SPN, but Teen Wolf is just so open and accepting and ALIVE right now. It's so perfectly clear that haters of it are haters because they straight-up haven't tried it or don't even like FUN. It's so *goddamn simple.*
I mean, I've only watched maybe seven episodes of actual show and been reading all the fic in the universe. And it's awesome. And it's even more awesome that if the main romantic leads in the story mean nothing to you it's not a problem (Scott & Al are lovely but they are every boringly perfect high school couple). And I mean EVERYTHING. Everything is lovely.
I do understand why some people wouldn't like the show--the first episode isn't all that great, and Scott/Allison is blah from the get-go--but honestly, once you watch more of it and notice all the little things that it does, it really stands out from the rest. You should catch up with it, then you will see first-hand! (Although you may be disappointed by the lack of Derek/Stiles interaction. Fandom does tend to overemphasize it when really there are only a few good scenes between them. The fic's still great, though.)
What the two of them really do for me is fill that well-intentioned but awkward superhero with a bad-ass on their own merits significant other. So pretty much Peter/MJ or Gwen // Clark/Lois all over again. :D
i watched the pilot today. way more psyched now.
It's still kind of ridiculous, but at the same time, it's so earnest and well-done ridiculous that I can't help but love it so.
The thing with the staff and creators being super supportive of the slash fanbase is so strange to me. This show isn't doing the "bromance but NO HOMO lol" thing that I've noticed in Western media, which is refreshing. Although I'm curious how on earth they'd make Sterek canon... (I do ship it, mostly because I think Derek is hilarious with Stiles and I love broody characters with deadpan wit.)
Do you have any recs for who to follow/read/etc. in TW fandom?
As for Derek/Stiles, here's a good analysis on why it has the potential to become canon, and here's a good post on how they could do it. There's lots of meta in this fandom, really, especially by the person who did the second one. Be wary of spoilers, though.
The AO3 is the place to go for fic, since from what I can tell everything gets crossposted there if it wasn't first put there to begin with. Fuck Yeah Stiles Derek is, predictably, a good Tumblr for the pairing, and F Yeah Teen Wolf Fanart is a good place for fanart (though it's mostly Derek/Stiles, as that's just what people tend to draw). gyzym just got into the fandom and is already pretty awesome, if you don't ( ... )
Read the first link and holy crap. I vaguely heard about the staff being supportive of Sterek but I had no idea it was to that extent. I've... never encountered this in a fandom before. Wow.
I'm not exactly "in" Avengers fandom, since I mostly read fancomics and watch the movies, but I recognize gyzym from Inception. Will look into her fics and more on AO3. :D Thanks for the tumblr recs btw.
I KNOW RIGHT. It's insane. Sometimes I wonder if this isn't all some sort of cosmic joke on fandom's expense.
gyzym's role in Avengers fandom is mostly for meta and other excited ramblings (she has a whole series of superfamily stories that are written entirely in "so this happens" fashion), so I'm thrilled to see she's actually doing some proper ficcage for Teen Wolf. :D
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