I was unsure about Haru and Teo! But you are right, they fit excellently; I was thinking Katara would be the Haruhi-equivalent (even though there are no other equivalents, seriously, the closest match for Sokka I can think of is Kyouya and if Katara is Haruhi then no). Tell you what, they are the wacky rival host club. Don't tell me the Ouran gang already has a wacky rival club! Team Avatar is much, much wackier!
They are totally the wacky rival host club! The Ouran gang only has the rival SUPER-DRAMATIC LADIES' CLUB, they have no rival hosts! So obviously this is a thing that is necessary. :O
(Haru has to be in the host club, dude, did you not see the boy's PORNSTACHE?)
(One-fourth of his clients adore it, one-fourth keep trying to persuade him to shave it off, and the rest just want to know Teo's opinion of it. WHY YES I SHIP HARU/TEO WITHOUT ANY CANON EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT.)
(Every single one of Zuko's clients is firmly convinced that they will be the one to Melt His Heart. He doesn't dare tell them about Mai, who goes to a different school in any case.)
Comments 4
Also, there totally are! Zuko, Aang, Sokka, Jet, Haru, Teo . . . Smellerbee could even be the token completely-gender-neutral one!
(Haru has to be in the host club, dude, did you not see the boy's PORNSTACHE?)
(Every single one of Zuko's clients is firmly convinced that they will be the one to Melt His Heart. He doesn't dare tell them about Mai, who goes to a different school in any case.)
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