Hmm, Heroes. Hmm. Okay, I'll make a deal with you: if I hear that the third season ends well, I will watch the rest of it over the summer. If I think it ends well, I will watch the fourth. Besides, the mental image of Bryan Fuller walking into the writing room and going "bitches, this is how it's done" amuses me. (Even if I suspect he is far too
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Comments 7
I personally haven't had a problem with Heroes season 3, although there were a couple of weird unrelated episodes that should have possibly been better integrated.
Also, you title make me think of a cat eating a statue.
S3: eh, some people don't mind it, some people are full of rage over it, and I personally just drifted away from it. I just...stopped caring. Which makes me feel a little sad, really.
As far as I am aware the Golden Globes involve few cats eating statues, although one can never be sure with what is referred to as the "drinky Oscars".
Season 2 was horrid. Nothing happened. Season 3 stuff has happened. It's batshit insane, but, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm particularly annoyed at Doctor Who because every time RTD does an epic end-of-season finale, it ends up with the world being at the very least altered, but they have to bring it back to where they started. Post-apocalyptic Earth from after the Master ravaged it was awesome, dammit! But noooooo, they had to hit rewind on the whole thing.
Anyway, point is, action is better than inaction.
(Incidentally, when Season 3 started, we watched all of Season 1 as catch-up, then completely ignored Season 2. It worked quite well.)
I think I'm in it to the bitter end but there's really no reason you can't wait safely outside until all the unpleasantness blows over. Anyway, if things pick up after the hiatus, I'll give a call.
(I see that your icon matches my icon. A fight is imminent.)
Heroes these days is just...a clusterfuck. I've begun to see Season One as a complete show, and what's going on now to be bad fanfic.
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