The Principles of Lust

Feb 02, 2009 23:15

Title: The Principles of Lust

Author: Leslie

Rating: R for imagery and slashiness

Pairing: Megatron/Prowl

Disclaimer: They aren’t mine. I will return them soon enough.

A/N: This is written for eerian_sadow who asked for the use of the word “lust” with Megatron and Prowl, either one sided or not. I hope you like what came out of this. I really was trying to sleep tonight when this popped into my head and refused to let me sleep. Enjoy.


Prowl stood and surveyed the scene below him… rain fell from above, streaking his dark, shining armor. He didn’t care. It didn’t matter. Everything he’d done had led to this one act, the final act in a story gone on for far too long…

It had all started when Prowl had been young and Megatron had been High Protector of Cybertron. Even then the youngling had been in awe of the older mech and had followed him around the city and palace much like an owned but oft forgotten pet. Megatron saw him often enough but rarely ever encouraged the youngster in his endeavors. Oh no. If Prowl wanted Megatron’s attention, he would need to do something to get it himself. Megatron watched Prowl when the other wasn’t watching and felt an unnatural lust forming inside of himself for the youngling. Every now and again, he would sneak through the hallways at night to find Prowl in the study or in a quiet, dimly lit room, reading through ancient texts and studying the history of their world. Megatron knew, even back then, that Prowl would one day amount to much greatness.

Optimus was not at all amused by his older brother’s attentions towards the young mech. He feared for Prowl’s safety but could not really pinpoint the reason why. He knew Megatron was a protector so why should Prowl be in danger? But Optimus saw the way Megatron would look at Prowl when he thought no one else watched them and Optimus swore he would keep the younger mech safe. In a series of movements over a course of time, Prowl moved from student to aide, to staff member and from there to first lieutenant and finally to Prime’s second in command. Megatron watched all of this and the lust he felt only grew. Prowl was a breath away from the throne and Megatron wanted to put him there… but not quite yet.

Prowl knew Megatron continued to watch him just as he watched the Protector. What he felt inside of himself in those rare moments when they were alone was something he shared with no one, not even Optimus or the medic - Ratchet. These were feelings he kept all to himself. Megatron, for his part, began to visit his brother more frequently, always watching for Prowl in the palace, smiling at him, speaking to him. Optimus grew wary, even more so as Prowl grew in stature, in ambition, in power and in position. Every step closer to the throne took him that one step closer to Optimus’ spark and one step further from Megatron’s.

Finally, the High Protector could wait no longer. If he were to have the young officer, he would have to move quickly and before Optimus could know what had happened. Megatron was patient… but his patience was wearing thin. And then, one night, his opportunity came. A celebration of the bonding of someone on the Prime’s staff was the occasion that brought Megatron into the palace walls and within reach of his soon to be lover.

Prowl stood beside Prime’s throne, his dark armor shining brightly in the crystal lit rooms. A dark cape whipped around him as he walked, attached to his shoulder plates and flowing down to his ankles. Megatron was enraptured and felt that lust within him rise another notch. Oh yes. Tonight would be the night. The Prime’s second in command would be his and his alone.

It wasn’t long after the celebration began in earnest when Prowl noticed Megatron standing alone towards the back of the room. Megatron met Prowl’s gaze and Prowl knew he was lost. Optimus was speaking with Ultra Magnus and Ironhide and did not notice his SIC leave the dais and head across the marble-like floor to where Megatron stood. The silvery-white mech’s crimson gaze never left the dark mech who approached him. Prowl had changed over the years and the mech that stood before him now eschewed confidence, power, control, charisma and perhaps even a slight amount of arrogance. Megatron chuckled softly and Prowl tilted his head, his sapphire gaze narrowing slightly. One of Megatron’s claws reached out and carefully, oh so carefully, traced down the side of Prowl’s face causing the SIC to shiver involuntarily. Prowl knew that if he didn’t stop this now, there would be no stopping at all.

Without a word, he reached out, rested his hand against Megatron’s chestplates, then turned and walked out of the celebration hall. Megatron followed in silence. Their steps echoed along the flooring as Prowl led the Protector away from the party and towards his own set of apartments on the far end of the palace itself. Away from prying eyes and those who would tell them both that this was not allowed.

Prowl barely stepped through the open door before he was caught and pressed against the wall, Megatron’s body holding him there as the elder’s hands sought to touch and learn every part of the younger’s body. Prowl groaned softly, his own hands seeking out the same. Time meant nothing as lust permeated from them both, driving their touches to turn from soft and questing to harsh and demanding. Mouths met in a defiant clash of dentals and a swirl of glossa, both fighting for control before Prowl finally gave it up to the elder. Megatron roared his approval and his fingers sought out the latches of Prowl’s chest plates.

Once they were both open to the other, sparks hummed and heated, reaching towards one another as Megatron’s fingers slid lower along Prowl’s body, delving into crevices, stroking along wires and fuel lines, pinching, tugging, grasping. Prowl’s body reacted to each and every touch, his cooling fans trying to keep him from overheating, but Megatron’s hands just pushed for more and more. Finally… finally Megatron pushed in that last little bit of space left between them and the rush of heat from their sparks flared between them and both were caught in that fine line between pleasure and pain as the spark-merge caught them and overload ripped through them both hard and fast. Prowl screamed out his lover’s name, hands tightening against Megatron’s sides so hard it left dents. Megatron growled as the pain and pleasure surged through his own systems and he left claw marks in the wall on either side of Prowl’s lithe form.

Down into that abyss the overload carried them both. Lust and pleasure swirled around them as their sparks continued that merge, heat continuing to build between their bodies. A second overload caught them both by surprise, offlining Prowl almost immediately. Megatron waited a moment longer before allowing his own overload to take him off line as well, falling to the floor and taking his young lover down with him…

In the morning, Prowl woke to find himself alone in his berth, a data chip resting on the table at his side. He plugged the chip into the monitor and read the message from Megatron. He re-read it over and over that morning as he tried to decide what it was he would do… what course of action he would take from here.

Prowl stood and surveyed the scene below him. Fires burned, smoke filled the sky. In the distance, what remained of Iacon could be seen still burning. His hands gripped the banister of the balcony upon which he stood, his dark cape whipping around him once more as the winds turned fierce and rain began to pour from the skies above. It pinged along his armor, hissing as it cooled the heated plates but Prowl didn’t care. Every action taken from the first day he’d seen Megatron had led to this…

A hand on his shoulder brought him out of his reverie but he still said nothing. The press of heated armor against his own made him close his optics for a brief moment before opening them once more. The press of a mouth against his neck caused him to tilt his head to one side and groan softly. An arm around his waist pulled him closer and he went without fight. He felt a rush of desire and lust inside of him and knew it came not just from him, but from the mech pressed against his back.

Cybertron was no more. The fires of destruction burned all around them. But neither one of them cared. As Prowl let himself be led back to bed, he detached his cape and let the wind take it where it may, the purple insignia on the back catching his crimson optics once before he turned and pushed Megatron back into their private rooms once more…

master list, prowl/megatron, 100 in 2009, fic request

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