AKAME witness & screencaps sharing :D

Nov 22, 2008 23:11

AKAME witness & screencaps sharing :D

- AKAME witness

18 November night, or 19 November midnight, at convenience store.
The one who witnessed seems to hear Akanishi's voice
& that's why he/she spotted AKAME.
Once Kame stepped into the convenience store,
he went straight to the selling area.
Akanishi carried a basket which had a lot of snacks inside.

Kame: How about this?
Akanishi: En.

They had such interaction.
After that Akanishi walked towards Kame
& said something like "Not done yet?" "Buy all then"
Kame looked at Akanishi but it was unknown about what he said.
Then Akanishi laughed & said, "Want to buy so much?",
and so Kame wanted to buy the things back,
but Akanishi says, "It's ok."
& put the things back into the basket.

Akanishi wore dark colour hoodie,
Kame wore woollen sweater and muffler scarf.
And when footing the bill,
Kame thought of going out to wait.
But Akanishi pull Kame's scarf and made him stay.
& Kame seems to have fork out small change.
After that, Akame seems to be not sure of what they have bought,
so they were checking things in the bags.
& they went on a discussion that goes "This? You want to eat this?" "Oh you~"
Lastly, Akanishi carried the bags.

nice one :D
it's an easily pictured out witness.
so you guys can visualize out right?
especially the pulling scarf part, lols.

again, no guarantee text mentioned above are true.
they're just fans report (:

Credit: miyake1028

lastly, sharing some screencaps :D
don't miss the KAT-TUN family story at the bottom xDDD

*not including MS screencaps.

- Two Music station screencaps

- Cartoon KAT-TUN screencaps


Kamenashi Kazuya :D

*scratch head* I like this xD

Akanishi Jin, he's seriously very cute here (:

Akanishi, Ueda & Kamenashi eating banana session :D

Looks happy peeling banana, LOLS.

KAT-TUN family story ONE: Let's chose the wedding date!

Akanishi: Hees, our (AKAME) wedding, what date should I pick?

Kamenashi: What are you seeing?
Akanishi: Hmms, February ~

Kamenashi: Let me take a look as well.

Ueda: Let Mama see too!

Ueda: Ah, give the book to me, Mama is better at choosing wedding date.

Kamenashi: Nah, it's our wedding, let me chose.

Kamenashi: Ah, I found a good one, how about 27th September?
Akanishi & Ueda: Perfect! Perfect!

Taguchi: Hng! I'm am then the best at choosing an auspicious date for wedding!

KAT-TUN family story TWO: How much do you grade Kamenashi Kazuya?

Kamenashi: Jin, how much will you grade me?

Akanishi: 60 marks!

Kamenashi: What? Only 60?!

Akanishi: It's hard to be a man nowadays >.<"

Kamenashi: What're you saying Akanishi Jin?

Akanishi: *cough cough* I didn't say anything.

Akanishi: Oh Ueda! Let me vent my anger!

Let's end of the screencaps sharing with this:

Credit to miyake1028 for pictures (:

First, if you're Ueda's fans.
Don't blame me for putting him in the Mama's role.
& just wanna say,
that Taguchi's picture is really cool, hahas.
As to why I chose 27th September,
you can see here :D

witness, ueda tatsuya, akame, screencaps, akanishi jin, taguchi junnosuke, kamenashi kazuya

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